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HELP. Sonic Stage Ate My Recording

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Could some one please help. I am in a panic because i think i just last my last recording trying to edit the tracks... here's what i did. I was in the transfer mode changing names and deleting unwanted tracks... Only one track was highlighted ...clicked ok to delete and then it said it could not delete one or more. All the tracks were still displayed and didn't appear to be deleted. The track info was still there but it would no longer play them. i safely disconnected the md from the computer and pressed play and it says... cannot record or play.

Am i screwed ....? anything i can do at this point??????

i use windows vista service pk 1 and just installed the sonic stage 4.3. I use the hi md ....no applications were open at the time

ps... when i push play and get the "cannot record or play" it then asks if i want to create audio file. what does this mean?

Edited by arthamay
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Yes 'fraid so. I documented this about 1 month ago. You cannot delete multiple "untitled" tracks.... it simply doesn't grok it.

Bad luck.

I really only had one track highlighted though. if i had deleted it or any one them it would have removed them from the list? because i had deleted others individually earlier... and it behaved differently. really? there is no recovery?

oh virtuoso say it isn't so.

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I really only had one track highlighted though. if i had deleted it or any one them it would have removed them from the list? because i had deleted others individually earlier... and it behaved differently. really? there is no recovery?

oh virtuoso say it isn't so.

I've never tried it, probably a long shot, more than likely won't work, but try at you own risk, put in your puter, hilight the drive, and use undelete, who knows? I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. Too bad you didn't read all the tales of woe from trying to edit and move, just doesn't seem to work.

Good luck


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Sorry, no, many have tried to decode the HMA files. No use at all, probably all they contain right now is an encrypted version of blank.

Sony Media Services is almost certainly your best bet. With the sob story (after all noone told you not to delete things without titling them first) maybe they will even take pity on you. If they are still in business, I think the charge was around $50 to $75.

Good luck!


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