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WTB - REMOTE (non-LCD type) for R37

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I am looking for anyone who is willing to part with their remote for the old style MD players Sony had come out with. I am looking one for a possible buy that I will be making on a MZ-R37 unit.

My purchase depends if I find someone willing to part with their remote, for the merchant does not have one provided.

Please if anyone is kind enough, get in touch with me to discuss $$.

Greatly appreciated!


Edited by JSP62
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Hey JSP! I have a remote like that one, It is currently in my car!

I would trade it in with a remote with LCD (R90/R900/NH1).

How about that ? :D

Hey XISPE, I was looking for one for a unit that I was going to buy. Unfortunately the Seller had sold the unit already. Thanks for letting me know though, I shall keep you in mind should I need again.



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