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I have the NWU3, and hmm I checked and was not sure if there is a difference between the NWU3 or NWU5.

there is of course the


or the NMU5 which can be bought here


not sure what you mean by reasonably priced though :P

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Thanks for the reply-I am not sure if the NMU5 is compatible with a NWZ-A818.

I suppose I was looking for a used item at half that price.

regards paul

it is since it has the wm-port. my dock only fits my 818 with the adapter when I have no silicone skin attached to it. When the walkman is in the skin, then I have to remove the adapter.

I have a review up here


but the NWU5 does work with the 818

from sonystyle

Compatible with NWZ-A820, A810, A720, S710F and S610F series models
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