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Stuges "Pseudo"Pet Pigeons dies

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Well,He died just an half an hour ago .Came to my house and gasp his last breath in my hands :(.

you guys must have seen his picture in the photography section.


His name was "Dost" meaning FRIEND .

I'm not sure whether I'm too childish to post this ,but I was deeply attached with him Currently ,I'm in a state of shock !:(:(

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Well,He died just an half an hour ago .Came to my house and gasp his last breath in my hands :(.

you guys must have seen his picture in the photography section.


His name was "Dost" meaning FRIEND .

I'm not sure whether I'm too childish to post this ,but I was deeply attached with him Currently ,I'm in a state of shock !:(:(

Had that a couple of years ago when some bananaquits (very small yellow birds) built a nest in the house and had two babies, one healthy, on not, mom disregarded the unhealth one after the second day, same thing, hard to take,

sorry for you, hope something comes to take away the pain


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I can understand how you get attached to these visitors. We have a patch of woodland; some five or six years ago my wife managed to get a robin to eat off her hand - see picture. Once the summer comes he disappears, then when the weather starts getting cold he re-appears.

Obviously he's getting quite old for a little bird, so the last two autumns we've been resigned to the fact that he might not return, but sure enough he's back again for this winter and having a regular daily feed.post-55992-125833056471_thumb.jpg

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