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Slow but sure mindisk to USB computer transfer?

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I need to transfer minidisks to MP3 formal. Other posts tell me that the only quick way to transfer minidiscs to a computer is to buy an MZ-RH1/M200. These are not cheap! If it was cheaper, I could make the transfer in real time, _provided_ the quality of transfer is high and - absolutely essential - the track mark information is preserved. So is there a slower but still digital alternative to the MZ-RH1?

My minidisks were made 8 or 10 years ago on an MZ-R35. They are all made from analogue line in so I guess there are no problems with DRM - is that correct?

Many thanks!


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Thank heavens you told me that! - I had the delusion that optical would preserve the track marks. I've tried doing the track marks manually and it is just impossible. MZ-RH1 here I come!



Exactly correct. The only way other than the RH1 would be optical out from a deck, which will NOT preserve the track marks. However if you didn't have TOO much stuff you could probably add the marks back in again.

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Exactly correct. The only way other than the RH1 would be optical out from a deck, which will NOT preserve the track marks. However if you didn't have TOO much stuff you could probably add the marks back in again.

is there a way to convert my HI-MD music to MP3? I have a Sony MZ-NH900, but when I try to upload music , Sonic Stage rejects it as having been recorded on another computer. ((my goal is a MAC)

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Exactly correct. The only way other than the RH1 would be optical out from a deck, which will NOT preserve the track marks. However if you didn't have TOO much stuff you could probably add the marks back in again.

is there a way to convert my HI-MD music to MP3? I have a Sony MZ-NH900, but when I try to upload music , Sonic Stage rejects it as having been recorded on another computer. ((my goal is a MAC)

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