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Connection Between WMP and SS

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Ok, on occasion I will come across a cd that Sonicstage will not import. So I use Windows Media Player 11 and import said disc with that. Then I use the "import music files" to download the said cd into Sonicstage. Works fine, except for...

Earlier today, I was going thru the WMP library and noticed a group of cds that I had done like this. The thought crossed my mind, "why do I need two copies of each disc? I have one on WMP and one on SS..." So I deleted the cd from the WMP library.

Much to my chagrin I discovered that now those exact same cds cannot be accessed from Sonicstage. If try to copy a track from any of them to the MD unit or even just try to play a track I get a message, "file not found" or something like that. Then I get asked to remove the file or locate the file. Try as I might, I cannot locate of the cd files anywhere.

What's going? Why would SS be connected to the WMP 11 in this way? Is there a way around it?

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Sonic stage has this weird little db it uses. Sometimes the only way to clear it is to delete everything of interest from sonicstage (preferably making sure you have files which are not ATRAC, first, saved).

Ooooo...I don't like the sound of "deleting" anything. Could you be a little more specific?

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well.. get rid of all files in the folder that you were working with. If you have them in ATRAC format, but NOT .wav format, convert them first. If you have them already in WAV then delete them from Sonic Stage. The folder should itself disappear. Don't at this point delete the music files (the check box on "delete" dialog).

Try re-adding them first as ATRAC files (assuming you have them). If they were wav files to begin with, just add them again.

In addition if you ever converted to send to MD, you might try to find the optimized files and delete the lot. You can do this by looking at the File Info tab after you opened the properties display for each file listed in SonicStage (ie right click a track within SS). Especially if you find more than 1 file listed that, the extra ones may be gumming up the works.

I haven't used WMA much, but I do recall something weird with MP3.

IN ADDITION (BIG WARNING!!!!) some software players (I think RealPlayer is a case in point) WRITE DATA TO MP3'3. Sigh. This will muck up a lot of things, as you can imagine. Try using file copies wherever possible.

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