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MP3 ID3 Tags with HD5 via Sonicstage

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Are all mp3s imported into sonicstage and dropped onto the HD5 ordered properly? Does it recognize all tags (artist, album, song, and track #?) and organize them? My main concern is the tracks being in proper order, from 1-10 for example as ALL of my music is based on DJ mixes, if i import 2,000 songs and non of them are ordered properly, i will be very pissed.

Does that "GYM" and other thing for the hd5 handle it the same? I might buy the HD5 tomorrow at a local electronics shop for 215 bucks US (sadly in silver).

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Guest Stuge

HD5 does recognize artist ,album & Song tag but i`m doubtful about track one ..I usually reorder my songs in HD5 (drafg & drop within HD5 via SonicStage .

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well i bought it anyway, and i read some other forums and apparently it DOES playback in proper order based on track # ID3 tag fields.

im just about to copy some choons to it so im very VERYN excited.

unfortunately i got the silver model, my least desired one but at least it will always look good, silver never gets boring :)

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Guest Stuge

unfortunately i got the silver model, my least desired one but at least it will always look good, silver never gets boring :)

Congratz .Silver i not that ..fantasize the you got yourself a silver model made of real silver :lol:

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I had the same doubts the last time. When i import all my mp3s and Atrac-files in Sonicstage then default it is not sorted by tracknumber in the ID tag, allthough they are all ripped from cd in Atrac and have the correct Tracknumber id set.

So i have to klick on the sorting for the tracknumber.


If i transfer all the tracks to my HD5 then it will play the ripped cds in the correct order. So it should be that the HD5 Player itself sorts by the Tracknumber ID in the files.

Don´t know what happens if you dont have the tracknumber id set in mp3 id tag....



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I had the same doubts the last time. When i import all my mp3s and Atrac-files in Sonicstage then default it is not sorted by tracknumber in the ID tag, allthough they are all ripped from cd in Atrac and have the correct Tracknumber id set.

So i have to klick on the sorting for the tracknumber.


If i transfer all the tracks to my HD5 then it will play the ripped cds in the correct order. So it should be that the HD5 Player itself sorts by the Tracknumber ID in the files.

Don´t know what happens if you dont have the tracknumber id set in mp3 id tag....



yup, i get the same thing. doesnt bother me really, i mean, i dont care whats on the unit or how it looks in SonicStage, i never plugin my HD5 to play tracks off the comp, i always use my choons from the comps hard drive.

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When number tracks be sure to number as 01, 02, 03.....

not 1, 2, 3, .... 10, 11, 12...20, 21... <-----Your DAP will read as 10, 11, 12, ....1, 20, 21 ....3

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