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FS: 50 Blank MDs

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I'M SORRY: It wasn't unitl after I posted that I realized the subject is inaccurate. These discs are not blank, as in new.


I was a heavy MD user back in the 90's and 00's. I still use my two MD portables, but I have moved on from the need for music and so use them very little. I'm holding on to them because I do use them from time to time, especially to listen to books or lectures while driving.

I do, though, have an excess of blanks and would like to pass these on to someone who can use them. They were all bought in Japan, where I used to live. I'm now in the Middle East and except for a few foreigners like me, who brought their equipment with them, there is no knowledge of or need for MiniDiscs.

I will be visiting the US this summer and can carry these with me, thereby reducing postage. That means you won't get them until late June or early July.

All the discs are previously recorded, in the majority of cases only one recording. Some have labels affixed. A few have cases. I supply no labels. A variety of brands and designs are included.

If you are interested, make me an offer. My email is fukuoka_jeff_at_g_mail_dot_com.



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