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Multi MD Import to Same "Album"

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I am starting the task of importing all of my concert recordings via my new (to me) MZ-RH1.


I have many live shows that span 2 or 3 MD's.  When I import them into SS, they get created as different "Albums" and try as I might I can't figure out how to merge them into one "album".  I've figured out how to get SS to move the file, but it stays under the same album in the library.  I have a lot of recordings to transfer so I want to minimize the back-end labor as much as possible.



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You have to rename the album. It will then ask you if you mean the program to merge the contents. Note that for some purposes, Album X with artist Y will be DIFFERENT from Album X with artist Z. So it may be necessary to clear/merge/delete the Artist field if you have entered it already. It's much easier in the long run to label the tracks whilst they are still on the MZ-RH1 i.e. on minidisk.


You can also MOVE the files on disk either before or after this process or renaming the albums. The problem there is that the files have to conform to Windows' rules (no duplicates). Moving is really just a right-click from Sonic Stage library display.


SS does not support second-level tree structure. So you are stuck with "ordinary" libraries with only songs in them. This does NOT have to be the case for the Windows files but it probably makes it easier if you do it that way.


Please be sure to decrypt all your uploads - the File Conversion Tool (google it and this site as in "File Conversion Tool site:forums.sonyinsider.com")


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the answer on the merging, that wasn't readily apparent.


As for the decryption, that is really only needed if I want to access the OMA files from another computer though right?  If I have chosen to convert to WAV for all files, then this isn't an issue for me correct?

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You MUST decrypt them if you do not want the next system restore or Windows install to wipe everything out. A new copy of Windows is, to SonicStage, like a new PC.


True that WAV isnt encrypted. But there are all sorts of advantages in NOT converting everything to WAV, apart from the obvious one, space. For example there is no metadata stored in a WAV file..... what a pain!

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