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when renaming OMGAUDIO backup to OMGAUDIO


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i wish to rename OMGAUDIO backup To OMGAUDIO so i can get my music back however an OMGAUDIO folder already exists.

do i replace this folder

please reply asap

hd5h model by the way

im trying to do this via windows explorer. do i need to run gym again and do it via that program

when you reply can you give me step by step instructions

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rename the current OMGAUDIO to some other name (i.e. OMGAUDIO_TEMP) then rename the OMGAUDIO backup one you have to 'OMGAUDIO'.

If you music all returns and everything is okay, delete the original OMGAUDIO.

If you still have errors, you have the back up original folder to work with again.


You would only need to run GYM again if you had some sort of error when you previously ran it.


There is a step-by-step instructions for GYM that should have been included when you downloaded. If not, go to the GYM website for directions. Also reference this forum for specifics if you run into trouble.

Good luck!

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