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Distorted audio, just noice on output of my MDS-302

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Any notable events to report like bad mains power or storms? Can you record on it and play back ok in another machine?  Do all other functions seem to work ok like display, remote, editing functions? I’m trying to narrow down if one of the internal power rails has gone bad. 

Are you electronics minded/competent? The service manual is here:


(Although unusually there are no schematics which is a snag...p33-52 are missing, I’ll look around.)


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1. is this a new machine (ie was it working previously in your hands)?
2. Agree with Kevin's comment about disks that play elsewhere or that are known to be OK.
3. Does the MDS-302 have a AD-DA mode where it acts as a DAC, ie you give some input and it merely repeats that input outwards? If so, that would eliminate a drive fault.

Welcome to the group, Peder!

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