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Gapless in Sonicstage?

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Any possibility? Gapless works fine on my DAP, but I still get hiccups in Sonicstage and I'm not sure if it's just my 4 year old PC.



No hiccups or anything here as well .

I'm using SS ver4

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  • 10 months later...

Dunno if I have the same problem that you have, but sometimes, when I play a list of songs, the following song doesn't play - the track elapsed thingyo is going, but there's no noise coming out of the speakers. I have to rewind the song in order to be able to hear it. O_O

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Transferring files back to the library. Oooops, I think I posted this in the wrong place. It's software related but not about gapless - should I have started a new thread? And if so, I don't know how to re-post and delete this. Anyway. . . I keep having the same problem occur about 70% of the time. When I try and transfer files back to the library from either the 706 or 808, it goes through the motions of 'pretending' to transfer, and then when it's finished, the albums are still on the player. Even if I shut down and restart SS, and disconnect and reconnect the player - the albums are still there.

All the tracks are still in the library and they all play, so I don't understand why SS won't transfer them back. It ends up with me having to delete the album altogether if I want to remove it from the player. Then I have to import it again, it's very frustrating. Am I doing something wrong? I know you can't transfer files back from the player if the files have been removed from the library, but in this case they're all still in the library and they all still play. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks

Edited by juli
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Transferring files back to the library. Oooops, I think I posted this in the wrong place. It's software related but not about gapless - should I have started a new thread? And if so, I don't know how to re-post and delete this. Anyway. . . I keep having the same problem occur about 70% of the time. When I try and transfer files back to the library from either the 706 or 808, it goes through the motions of 'pretending' to transfer, and then when it's finished, the albums are still on the player. Even if I shut down and restart SS, and disconnect and reconnect the player - the albums are still there.

All the tracks are still in the library and they all play, so I don't understand why SS won't transfer them back. It ends up with me having to delete the album altogether if I want to remove it from the player. Then I have to import it again, it's very frustrating. Am I doing something wrong? I know you can't transfer files back from the player if the files have been removed from the library, but in this case they're all still in the library and they all still play. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks

well transfering to my library means that u have transfered tracks to sonicstage library and tracks are still there on the player and they r also transfered back to the pc.so if u want to have room in u r player then u shuld delete albums.but first if u dont have album backup on u r pc try transfering back and when the albums are there in sonicstage my library then delete the albums from player to make room.this is no malfunction thats the way to get back u r music without deleting from the player my trasfering to my library.

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