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Problems connecting Device to computer

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A similar problem has been posted before but it did not receive a reply, so i was wondering if anyone else had run into the problem and solved it.

Basically my HD5 device got dropped by an uncareful friend and since then whenever I connect the device to any computer, although it recognizes the device to begin with, (and windows autoplay kicks in) after 20 seconds or so an error message comes up on in the bottom right-hand side of the task bar that the device is not recognized.

The strange thing is on a few occasions I have been able to plug it in, access a few files, then the non recognition message comes up, but have not had this for a while.

Has anyone any idea what has gone wrong with it?

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2 answers to this question

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Could just be a simple loosened connection you did.

Worst case scenario is that you might of cracked something and the connection is finicky, which sooner or later will just got bad on ya.

Sorry to hear, I hope you scold your friend

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