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NW-HD1 soundcap removal?

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I have entered the service menu and I have set sound pressure to off but the volume has not significantly increased. My girlfriend has the same players- I suspect with earlier firmware and the volume is much higher.

Is there anything I can do about this, have I removed the sound cap via my actions?

Is there any way of getting the player to play as loud as that of my girlfriends either via a differing option in the service menu or by going back to older firmware?

If I have asked the obvious I apologise.

Hopefully someone can help


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The method you used certainly sounds right. That's how we used to turn the euro sound cap off at the Sony Centre I worked at and I've definitely experience it working.

This might be a dumb suggestion, but are you sure that AVLS is off? Sorry I can't be of more help.


Edited by navsimpson
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I have repeated the action on numerous occasions, sound pressure is very definitely selected as "off". AVLS is also very definitely off LOL but I understand why you had to bring this up though you never know with some people. I used to design computer software and also used to work for Sony though so I am not missing the obvious.

I have read on some sites that newer versions of the NW-HD-1 do not respond significantly to the removal of the soundcap and so was looking for another angle and possible way to get around the problem (if one exists)

The hardware may have been altered, but I was wondering if either any other option via the service menu or more likely a revision of firmware would help?

I say the latter because I guess this might not be a hardware alteration, but something installed via newer firmware?

I have directly compared my NW-HD1 with that of my girlfriends and hers is playing at about 40% higher volume so???

Thanks for the responses guys.

If anyone can throw some light on what may be going on I would be very grateful.....


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Yea Kerfuffle that would/could make sense given that the soundcap relates to French legislation.

I have tried altering the language and the destination via options and in the latter case service menu. However on my NW-HD1 there is no option for US via the service menu destination or via the language set.

I could change to a differing European language- but I doubt this would change anything. I could change the lang or destination to Japanese but would be not want to for obvious reasons.

I have noticed via the service manual and player than destination can be set as;

J1/U2/CEX or CEK........does anyone know what the abbreviations stand for as it may potentially help?

Edited by chrisCo
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