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What ATRAC Version Does the MDS-JA20ES Have?

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Prompted by a question over on Tapeheads, I have been trying to confirm whether the MDS-JA20ES is ATRAC 4.5 or Type-R.

According to MiniDisc.org, it


Appears physically identical to Japanese MDS-JA22ES model, similarly containing same "Type-R" DSP for ATRAC (IC: CXD2654R)

I checked the Service Manual for the MDS-JA20ES and that also states that it uses the CXD2654R ATRAC encoder/decoder. It looks like the CXD2654R was also used in the MDS-J..20 decks (MDS-JE520, MDS-JB920), which are ATRAC 4.5 rather than Type-R.

I've not been able to find a Service Manual for the MDS-JA22ES so cannot verify which chip that machine has.

Anyone able to confirm?

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From the release date on minidisc.org of 5/98 and the use of 2654 I think we can be pretty sure this is ATRAC1 4.5 the same as the 520/920. Looking through the descriptions for those 3 JA series models of that time they mention Type R or a DSP part number that is not consistent with the description, so I think there are a few errors there. Type R came in 1999 with the x30 family. 

Just my 2p worth!

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From pictures I can find of 20es and 30es, none proclaim Type-R and all proclaim ‘Wide bit stream’ so I think these are all 2654 ATRAC1 4.5. The 50es is even older so at best that is the same if not ATRAC1 4.0.

All mighty impressive decks regardless and as many say once you get to ATRAC1 4.0 any SP audible improvement is highly subjective!

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2 minutes ago, BearBoy said:

The MDS-JA22ES might be different to the MDS-JA20ES. There's an article on MiniDisc.org that is a translation of a Japanese Sony brochure, which says:

MiniDisc.org Link

I saw that but as yet I’ve not seen any other evidence it is indeed Type-R (issue date, front panel, service manual). Sony UK have most of the MD user manuals up on their site now, but 22ES doesn’t feature! Was it a Japanese only model?

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For completeness, this was the reply I put on Tapeheads.net:

"The Service Manual I just downloaded for the 20ES says it uses an MDM6A drive. The schematics show a CX2656 DSP which would make this machine ATRAC1 Type-R. Confusingly the SM lists the pin out for the 2654 ATRAC1 4.5.

Maybe there was a late change to use the newer chip which is why we find confusing/conflicting information for this model."

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