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Question Regarding SonicStage and Album Art

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If you do need to add the album art to each track rather than just the album, the quickest way, assuming you have already assigned the art to the album, is to (in album sort view) click on the album then in the view menu at the top select Cover Art/Lyrics info which will bring up a box with the album art in it - then click and drag the picture to the album (in the my library view) and it will ask you whether you want to assign the art to all the tracks within the album - & you then click yes & it is done - much easier than going through each track separately.

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Keep in mind that adding album art adds to filesize. If SonicStage is set in options to write directly to media files, then the album art is added to each track's id3 tag or .oma file. In addition, art is added to the Optimized Files - Fringe folder (for the album as displayed in SS).

Bigger sized album art = bigger music files, whch is something to remember particularily if using a player that doesn't display art.

I get most art from allmusic.com (the AMG site). When it's something obscure I do a google search, and pick something around 200x200 pixels. My library is now over 23,000 tracks and I've found art for all but two very obscure limited release compilation albums.

P.S. don't delete the fringe folder contents to save space...all that does is make you have to go through every album and delete the now-blank art to get the track art to show in album view.

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