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SonicStage won't recognize Walkman device

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I have two Sony walkman mp3 players. Both received for Christmas presents. One me, one husbands. Have been transfering music onto both. Now today. Sonicstage will not recognize the device? When I transfer music I only have the option to make CD. Both are registered and pluged into usb port directly on registered CP. Tried 2 different usb ports. Any suggestions. ??? The sound is great on these mp3's , but the software leaves much to be desired. I feel like I have to jump thru hoops to get music on my mp3!!!

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Deb

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I have two Sony walkman mp3 players. Both received for Christmas presents. One me, one husbands. Have been transfering music onto both. Now today. Sonicstage will not recognize the device? When I transfer music I only have the option to make CD. Both are registered and pluged into usb port directly on registered CP. Tried 2 different usb ports. Any suggestions. ??? The sound is great on these mp3's , but the software leaves much to be desired. I feel like I have to jump thru hoops to get music on my mp3!!!

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Deb

Welcome to AtracLife !

Are you able to see walkman via Windows Explorer ?

Which SonicStage version are you using ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

My nw-a3000 doesn't show at all anymore. Someone please help. Tried to update the driver, tried to initialize, tried to reset. Nothing works. I can see it in the device manager tree, it is shown as a SONY HDD mass storage device under usb components. But there is no drive letter! :blink: How can I assign a drive letter to it? Many thanks in advance...

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Hey, solved my problem!

Had to do with reinstall of windows xp. Found the answer in a link posted somewhere else on this forum, but now I can't find it anymore.

It had to do with deamon tools not working properly anymore after the reinstall. The driver (SPTD) for the virtual cd-rom messed up with the driveletters. This driver is sometimes also found in antivirus and other programs.

This was how it worked:

-Restart in 'safemode'

-press 'start'

-press 'run'

-type 'regedit' press enter


-set startvalue of DWORD to 4 (disable, set to 0 to enable it again)

-restart and my problem was solved!

ok, found the thread: http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?...pic=2553&hl

This is the link posted: http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/.....ive-letter.html

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