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Problems WIth A3000

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AFter just over one year of ownership, things tarted to go wrong with my A3000 when I was on holiday over New Year. Tracks started to skip & then the buttons weren't responsive. Since returning, I've reset & initialized the unit & tried to transfer new songs but now I'm getting a message on the unit ' System Error No 32 & even my pc is now saying there's a problem with the usb connection.

Apart from Connect which is a pain in the @ss, I really love this machine & am at my wits end as to what I can do next to make it work properly again.

Any help would be very appreciated.


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Decided to ditch Connect & go for Sonicstage 4.3, successfully uploaded & started to transfer, again managed about twenty tracks before the dreaded 'System Error...' message came up again on my A3000, really am stuck as to what to do next.

Come on fellow Atraclifer's - help me out please.


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