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Can I upload files recorded with NW-S700

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I am considering getting one of the new NW-S600/700 model MP3 players. One appealing feature is the ability to record with a line in format ATRAC or even up to linear PCM 1411. Are these recordings just stuck on the recorder or can they actually be uploaded onto the computer? Much thanks for input.

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I am considering getting one of the new NW-S600/700 model MP3 players. One appealing feature is the ability to record with a line in format ATRAC or even up to linear PCM 1411. Are these recordings just stuck on the recorder or can they actually be uploaded onto the computer? Much thanks for input.

Hey fredjones,

Welcome to ATRACLife Colloquium, we hope you enjoy your stay here :)

Yes, the new NW-S600/700 model MP3 players DO in fact let you transfer your recordings back to your computer. AND, not only does it let you do that, but the files that are sent back to your computer are NON-DRMed, meaning that you are able to convert them to WAV and back them up or keep the files as ATRAC3plus ones and transfer them freely without any restrictions.

i purchased the WMC-NWR1 cable off of ebay a week ago, and it just came in on saturday. Your question post has compelled me to try it out and post the results. And here are the results:


Notice that an "Import" button is one of the tranfer options, and the button's pop-up help says "Import Tracks recorded directly onto the device/media"


A notification window showing you options of what you can do...


The transfer in action B)


ATRAC3plus @ 64kbps, no copy protection :)


ATRAC3plus @ 128kbps, no copy protection :)


ATRAC3plus @ 256kbps, again, no copy protection :)


and lastly, OpenMG PCM Audio @ 1411kbps, and no copy protection as well



I'll let you guys decide for yourselves :D

My testing technique:

I used my 2GB NW-S705F with the WMC-NWR1 Recording Cable. As the source, I used my Sony CD Walkman, model D-EJ621... and used the LINE OUT on the device. I recorded Kendall Payne's "Scratch" from her album Grown in all of the aforementioned formats.


(Kendall Payne - Scratch; ATRAC3plus @ 64kbps ~ 2.54MB)


(Kendall Payne - Scratch; ATRAC3plus @ 128kbps ~ 5.02MB)


(Kendall Payne - Scratch; ATRAC3plus @ 256kbps ~ 10MB)


(Kendall Payne - Scratch; OpenMG PCM Audio @ 1411kbps ~ 55.4MB)

Hope this experiment helped out with your decision about whether or not to get a NW-S600/700 network walkman :)

P.S. Hope you guys like the song.. I was watching my Grey's Anatomy DVDs and found this song from there... gotta love that show! :lol:

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Thanks a lot for the input. A little more than what I expected. The features look to be very good on this little unit. Now could anyone recommend where to purchase one of these little jewels? I live in the U.S. Unfortunately Sony is not well represented at many of the main electronics outlets when it comes to their small players such as these.

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Thanks a lot for the input. A little more than what I expected. The features look to be very good on this little unit. Now could anyone recommend where to purchase one of these little jewels? I live in the U.S. Unfortunately Sony is not well represented at many of the main electronics outlets when it comes to their small players such as these.

I live in the US as well.. though I live in San Francisco, so I nabbed one from the Sony Style store that is in the city.

And yeah, sony players aren't as easily obtainable as compared to a lot of other brands. Besy Buy only carries their CD Walkmans, and the only other 'big' retail outlet (Circuit City) only sells the NW-E00x and the NW-S20x series.

The NW-S70x series is considered a "higher end" model, and I think the only place you can get it is through Sonystyle.com, or at a sony store. or ebay.

ebay is a nice source though, if you look around.


this for example.. for $50 more than the price of the 2GB American one, you can get an overseas one that has twice the capacity. And more color options too. The only downside is that you need to ask about the radio frequencies with the seller.. The overseas ones have a different radio frequency scale than the American one.

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