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NW-A808 PMP Player for sale NEW £162

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Hi Folks

Just joined this forum. Was a creative zen man until I bought the NW-A808 player. The quality was really good and sharp especially with my MDR-EX90LP headphones! The video quality is really smooth as well!

Since I am in japan I can get these items cheaply safely! Please check my ebay auction!


Any questions feel free to ask!


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This is actually where I got my NW-A808 and crystal case from (I live in the UK and didn't want to wait until May for the release of the EU-volume limited version!)

Great to see you on the forum!

So how do you like the player?

On a side note, how much customs did you have to pay?



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not bad price, but only for people living in the UK.

at a 162 pounds, this comes out to $366 canadian which is sadly a rip off when the 8 gig player, in 3 different colours can be bought here starting on the 18th for 299 plus taxes, which is around 132 pounds. plus the warrenty here is covered, not sure how an international warrenty would work. plus with shipping its not even worth it, the nano here is 299 and if you want to sell to canada I would seriously recommend lowering your price.

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Ascariss just said it: 132 pounds for the unit plus tax

we don have the official screen protector here, and i don think many ppl would really buy it instead of the cheaper ones

on the sony jp site, the screen protector costs 980 yen, roughly $10 in canadian dollars. That'll be a lot cheaper than the price stated even if the screen protector is included

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I'm happy with the price paid, a good chunk of it was for Shipping & Handling, and when you consider that the price paid in Japan is about 140 pounds, the 22 pound mark-up is by no means extortionate.

All in all, thanks to air-lambo I got the NW-A808 non-Euro-limited version and the crystal case for the same price I'd have paid in the UK for the volume limited version on its own (and that's when it's released in May).

That Canadian price is fantastic, though.

Edited by lyris1
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