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Help with sonic stage on languages

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Hello guys, bought a NW E016 yesterday. Sonic Stage is really bothersome. Tried to import chinese songs previously ripped with mediaplayer and it say cannot import as it is not readable. Then tried to rerip the chinese CD again with sonic stage and this time the song names, album displayed is ??.???. question mark everywhere.

I read the thread "Titling Your ATRAC music tracks In Japanese/Chinese/Korean" and followed the instructions there, changed registry value and downloaded AppLocale Utility. But it did not help abit.

Any kind souls here can help me with this titling in chinese name as I nearly fainted while trying to figure sonic stage last night.


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To import the songs you already ripped you will need to run SS through AppLocale setting the language to Chinese as described in Ishii's thread. Likewise if ripping CD's if your area code in the registry is set to Chinese and you again run SS through AppLocale you should have no problems.

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Hello, thankyou for the reply, i tried running the applocale but it still cound not display.

try this:

uninstall ss

set up a new user account in windows.

log on to new user account

set region to china in windows control panel of your new user account

install ss from cd ticking japan / china as your locale

hope it helps.

Edited by ceres
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