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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

read something somewhere (think it was minidisc.org not sure) :?: that there was some tests (dont think it was offical) :shock: that LP2 is like 123bps or somewhere around there. so it's a little bit below 128bps.

if i can find the site again i'll post it

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I just got some new MP3's from Kazaa. Less than 192 bugs me. 160 is OK and 128 is tolerable only if that is the only source for a particular song I want. On the other hand, ATRAC3 (SP2) never really bugs me. It sounds good. Not as good as un compressed or native SP mode, but pretty good, and better than most MP3's. Just my opinion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hmm dont bother with wma.. it sounds very very tinny and lossy with anything below 128, which you can still here the artifacts at 128 anyway. LP2 sounds much better than any 128k mp3 and is comparable to a 192, and LP4 shows a definate difference from the original, although while you're out and about with your md sometimes it doesn't make a difference too much. But I'll say that stereo imaging is cut down a bt, thanx to joint stereo....

It really depends on how hard the incoming signal is to compress with the amount of bandwidth, the harder it is the more artifacts you'll find. Though I cant really tell you what sort is harder and what's easier to compress, just fiddle around I suppose. :roll:

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