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Changing LP mode when checking out music ???

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If you recorded the original cd in LP4 mode on your computer, it won't let you check it out in LP2. You'd just take an LP4 recording and make it take up more space on a minidisc without a gain in quality. (The original file is LP4, the computer isn't smart enough to make the music sound better when you add more data.)

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Thanks for the reply, I have also since tried checking out music in LP4 that I had checked out previously as LP2 but can't do this either does it mean that if you check it out once in a certain recording mode all other check out's must be in the same mode ????

I think this is possible with SonicStage

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As Bazirker said, when you record or import the file into the database originally, you have to select the bitrate for the conversion to ATRAC3. If you use 132kbps, you can check it out as LP2, or you can convert it to LP4 during the checkout process if you are using Sonicstage 1.5 (Open MG Jukebox cannot do this). I can't remember the rules for 105kbps (if it is LP2 or not) but the lowest bitrate can only be checked out as LP4. In any case, you can check out in "Stereo" or "SP" mode, but only for compatibility with older players, it will not improve the sound quality. What you check a song out as one time has no effect on what you might want to do the next time with your remaining checkout count.

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Thanks for the elaboration, Leland...I explained all that on another post just the other day, but I couldn't find it to post the link and I was to lazy to re-type it.

As a side note, 105 kbps isn't really LP2 or LP4 mode...it's actually for network walkman stuff (Sony mp3 players.) I don't really see the point in using it (it won't save that much hard drive space in comparison to LP2 mode.

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