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Live Recording: SP or LP2

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I searched past posts and found one thread that discussed this a bit, but I would love to hear some more experiences on the subject. I am sure SP is optimum but the ease of letting the MD recorder run without tape changes is appealing. What setting do you tapers use and what are your thoughts on the quality from one to the other?



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Personally, I always go SP. This might have something to do with the

fact that I usually (read always) use my MZ-R50, which is SP only.

Seriously though, a lot will depend on what your source is. Are you recording from a mic or plugging into a board? How much time do you

need to record? What are you recording... How important is quality?

From a mic, I'd say probably SP, but again, it will depend on the quality

of the mic(s) you're using. if you're recording speeches, presentations, etc, lp2 or even lp4. If it's a concert (which I'm assuming) I'd urge SP, just so that you get the best source sound. You can always resample

it later.

if you've got a deck with optical out, getting pure digital into your computer to adjust, tweak, etc, would be no problem, or just going optical to your recorder in lp2, to consolidate space.

jut my $0.02


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For the casual listener, I'm going to risk being branded a heretic and say that recording concerts in LP2 is fine. Some people say they can hear differences, but these differences, in the concerts I've recorded (club/rock concerts) are very negligable. The best way is to test it out, and listen for yourself.

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Recording a rock concert with a normal mic LP2 are the best, you don't need to change disk in the middle (and the darn thing have to finalize the TOC before disc are ejected, takes forever). Battery time last longer.

If you can make a deal with the mix guy and plug a cord to the mix deck I would set it to SP, also use the battery eliminator if possible.

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Guest Anonymous

Your ears will thank you if you avoid LP2. MD already kicks out alot of sound do to its compression how much more do you want to lose? Of course if you can't hear a difference and you are not planning on distributing your recordings do what you want.

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Guest Anonymous

I doubt the casual listener will be able to tell the difference between SP and LP2.  The compression problem with minidisc recorders is waay overstated.

If you can't tell the difference then do what you want, but if you are distributing to others you should keep the digital "gene pool" as pure as possible. People with high end playback systems will be able to hear a noticeable difference.

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Guest Anonymous

>If you can't tell the difference then do what you want, but if you are >distributing to others you should keep the digital "gene pool" as pure as >possible. People with high end playback systems will be able to hear a >noticeable difference.

This is a laughable attitude- a 'digital nazi' attitude if you will. If the sound of the recording is alright with the person recording, I wouldn't worry about the "digital gene pool", and improving the sound quality so that those with high end systems will be happy. *lol*

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I use the homebrew binaural mic listed in minidisc.org's "Construction Projects" page. I'm usually buried in the crowd somewhere, so I'm already not getting the best sound (even though that mic is amazing). I just record in LP2 and it sounds great.

If I had the chance to plug in to the sound board, I'd use SP, no question. But for crowd recording, LP is fine.

For one concert, my brother brought his MZ-R37 and a nice Sony mic (he shelled out about $90 for it) and I brought my MZ-R900 and my homebrew mic ($5) and recorded in LP2. We brought them back to his place, played both recordings on his (high end!) stereo, and agreed the recordings were almost identical. Of course, I got a little more of the show recorded, since he had to switch discs. :wink:

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