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Do you think SOny Electronics are P***ed off at Sony music?

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Do you think SOny Electronics are P***ed off at Sony music?  

  1. 1. Do you think SOny Electronics are P***ed off at Sony music?

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Absolutly. I'm sure engineers hate having restrictions placed on them that limit their product's capabilities more than the laws of physics and current technological capabilities. Frankly, I think damn near everyone should be pissed at Sony music...

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  • 2 months later...

I think Sony doesn't know what the hell they want to do.

w0rd. the company Sony in general is too big for it's own good -- if Sony was just Sony Electronics, I don't think they'd be facing this problem. Sony Pictures and Sony Music is pretty much slapping the Electronics department around particularly in MD, since they practically can do whatever they want with it -- while their other stuff like VAIO PCs and CD Walkmans, the x86 standard and the Red Book audio CD already dictated those standards for them -- while MD technology is free to change for their own liking. It *is* unfortunate that Sony Music's move towards DRM-enabled MD products, but there's really not a whole lot we can do. The "Most Confusing Product" award goes to Sony's Network Walkman -- why does it exist? You have the ATRAC3 conversion hassle, just like NetMD, it's as small as a tiny memmory-based MP3 player, but it has triple the price. I'd rather get a 20GB iPod then pay for a 256MB "MP3-compatible" player

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some people rather the network walkman because of its size and weight...sure it doesn't hold as much as the ipod or isn't as "cost effective" but for them it's adequate to hold enough music to get to and from work/school/uni via public transport every day...and not that i knock the ipod or anything (i own one and i think it's great for wot it does)...

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