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Migrating an existing SS database to Hi-MD

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I already have a 20 GB Sonicstage database, all ripped in ATRAC3 132 kbps rate. Now, in order to benefit the most from Hi-MD, I need to use Hi-LP, or ATRAC3 Plus 66 kbps. So the question is, will I be able to convert my existing database to make it capable of downloading to the ATRAC3 Plus 66 kbps compression rate (either by transcoding and converting all the existing files or by transcoding on the fly) or will I have to re-rip all my CD's with SS 2 set at ATRAC3 Plus 66 compression? The question is not about sound quality, but effort required to utilize the higher capacity of the Hi-LP compression format.

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Yes. This is possible. In SonicStage, open "My Library", select the file(s) which you wish to convert ATRAC3 -> ATRAC3+, and select "Convert Format...". Choose your bitrate, and allow the program to chew away at the files.

I cringe at the thought of this. At least you're informed of transcoding.

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ooooh, be careful! Having 20 GB of sole atrac3? bad idea! i just performed a test when i reformatted my computer-- I took an atrac3 from my computer, and put it onto my other hard drive, so i can reformat my OS one (one media 120GB, one OS 80GB :cool: )then i tried playing that atrac3.

"Houston, we have a problem"

That's right, the atrac3 wouldn't play! that file had copyright info that didn't match the computer, even tho im using a legit key, and the key is the same too!

So, Be careful Leland, because if Windows goes down, its taking ALL your atrac3's down with it! :ninja:

What I do is have them all in mp3 on my media drive, then convert them to atrac3 when needed (to put it on my clie / minidisc).

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Yes - my plans to migrate my ATRAC3 files to my new computer went out the window rather quickly when I installed my old hard drive (with the files) on my new computer. I ended up just trashing all of them - I'm now ripping my entire CD library to MP3 (256K) - will run them through MP3Gain to normalize - then import into SS2. I'll convert them to ATRAC on as as-needed basis - or I might do them all at once - haven't decided yet.

If there were someway to normalize ATRAC, I'd rip directly to ATRAC - but there isn't. Besides, I also have a Nomad Zen Xtra. I did lots of testing - listening to tracks directly ripped to ATRAC, vs. converted to ATRAC from MP3. To my ears, there was little, if any, difference.

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There is no problem moving ATRAC files to a new hard drive or recovering them if your PC goes down. You simply have to use the Sonicstage Backup program provided with the NetMD unit. I have moved my database to several different computers and several different hard drives. If windows goes down, i just restore the database from the backup.

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ooooh,  be careful!  Having 20 GB of sole atrac3? bad idea!  i just performed a test when i reformatted my computer-- I took an atrac3 from my computer, and put it onto my other hard drive, so i can reformat my OS one (one media 120GB, one OS 80GB :cool: )then i tried playing that atrac3.   ....

That's right, the atrac3 wouldn't play!

The apparently not widely known solution to this problem is the "OpenMG Jukebox / SonicStage Backup Program" accessible from the program menu. This will allow you to "archive" your collection (into an hdd folder or removable media) and later restore it, even on a different computer. I found this in various Sony FAQs.

EDIT: uups, SORRY, I should have updated my browser window and read this thread to its new end since I read the post above two days ago...

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