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Recording problem - Sharp DR410

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Well, I bought a Sharp DR410 the other day, and I've been having problems with it.

If I try to copy a CD to iit - in LP2 mode - via Simple Burner, it always says 'Recording failed.

A problem occoured while transferring content to the device'

It goes fine for a while (copies the first track to 50%, then moves on the the next) but then it just stops.

Do you think this is a problem with my hardware, or the software?

As far as I can tell, burning on BeatJam seems fine, although I really don't want to use that - it seems arse.

Thanks for any help.

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Hi, Shoes - welcome. :happy:

Uninstall everything [even the registry edits] via the directions in the NetMD faq. Then I want you to install the ONLY the drivers that are associated with the unit [no beatjam, etc]. After that, download + install Sonicstage 2/Simple Burner 2 [via threads in this forum] and see what luck you have.

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Tried it on another PC... no luck. Installed the drivers (not BeatJam), restarted, installed Sonic Stage (via the official installer), restarted, installed Simple Burner... it recognised my MD, but it still stopped copying about one and a half tracks in. :sad:

Is it broken?

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Does the Sharp you had problems with, have a very flimsy battery cover, like the ones in models MT899, MT880, MT770, MT777 and perhaps the older MT200, MT190 models?

When you mentioned "battery" I immediately clicked and remembered a situation that caused me the same problems with my MT899 NetMD unit. Id would not play after about 5 mins and it just turned itself off!!!

It was the battery cover. The metal connector inside the cover can wear out by making itself "thinner" and hence not actually connect with those dreaded gum-stick batteries (I hate those batteries).

The way I fixed it was by soldering a small amount of solder onto the connector to make it "thicker" and hence be able to connect to the battery. I never had that problem after that.

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