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Hi-Md NH-1 is almost perfect?

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The Bends

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I am having a tough time getting my head around the possibilities of the new hi-md format. I have historically used minidisc to record cd's optically through a cd player and recorde the occasional live show. I am excited about the new format. I plan on using it to transfer files from wok to home as well as for the music.

I am planning on getting the top o the line mainly for the smaller size and the promise of a the nice remote. I was salivating over the mz-e10 player for the size, but this model is close to the size and can hold so much music.

What would be the best way to get high quality (LP2-ish) music to my Hi-Md and allow for the most music on a single disc?

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One other thought, you can still rip your CD's at ATRAC3 132 (LP2) and simply use that. Actually, with HiMD, you can avoid ATRAC3plus altogether if you want to. Since I found the quality of Hi-LP to be too low and the compression of Hi-SP to be to little, I would probably use this strategy. That way your database is compatible with Net MD too, in case that was ever needed.

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