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RSS feeds?

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I'm quite familiar with that article, and I put forth that in my mind before I started this topic. It's a completely valid point, and there is a slight chance that it would nuke the server to oblivion.

I will note that I have made great strides with server response time [given what the server is] as of late and I have seen RSS/phpbb feeds in action [which you may want to look into before making such brash statements] and there really isn't that much I'm concerned about, as long as it's tweaked to our stature accordingly not to induce trouble.

Would I implement such in our current state? Maybe. We are quite close to a server upgrade, so I would most likely do it then. We'll see. I need more feedback.

Thanks for replying, regardless. Funny how fast it takes guest users to find out when a specific forum doesn't have post restrictions against them in place - which is what I want, here, at least in this forum. If you're a regular though, spend the 45 seconds to register. :rasp:

[late edit - ah, know who you are now. Troll. :wink:]

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What is RSS, I read the article and it now makes even less sense, which is pretty hard because there was none to begin with?

In this sense, an automated bot would make topics [in a forum] based on new posts from the aforementioned sites.

So would you guys want it? Feedback people, I need feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use it on my forums and it is very cool.

It keeps things lively, even if no one is on, and there is no end to how many feeds/sources you can have.

kurisu: There is a small isue with the rss hack I use and the Categories mod, but I figured out a way around it...

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  • 3 months later...

I see there is a link on the forum homepage for an XML/RSS news feed. I upgraded to Firefox last week when I found the link on the forum and decided to investigate. I am very happy with Firefox. But VERY supprised when I tried using the above link to add MD RSS news to firefox and then to Thunderbird and both failed.

Is something up? I mean it is not that hard to add a feed to Fx or TB. I have done so already except XML feeds dont work. I just thought that if this forum/site was going to support Firefox then it should have an RSS feed which works in it or am I missing something.


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The forum doesn't have RSS..yet. But you are stating that the feed for minidisc.org isn't working?

Yes, I encountered the same problem. I try to add RSS Feed by entering the link (http://www.minidisc.org/newsrss.xml) as a "Live bookmark..." and instead of the list of news topics I see "Live bookmark feed failed to load". I use FireFox 1.0, the same as of millions of new FireFox users joining FireFox the last two weeks :-)


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The forum doesn't have RSS..yet. But you are stating that the feed for minidisc.org isn't working?

Thats news to me :grin:, Because the link from the Home page says News as RSS/XML. So I was lead to believe that meant the link was for News as RSS/XML. But I could not get any RSS readers to work with it. Maybe the RSS should be removed from the link. But I would sure like to see RSS of the site.


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