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how do i get my music back....?

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I had baught my 600d back in june and i have been more than happy with it and yet now i am at a slight anger with sonic stage ....omehow i lost the 336 tracks i just put on my hi md blank and all of them are gone ...a while back i backed up all my music with the sonic stage backup tool and thank god i did because my computer crashed and i had to reinstall windows and sonic stage was gone....i used the back up disc to put my music back onto sonic stage and i tried reburning my music and it is telling me it cant because it does not have the sufficiant rights or something like that and i am worried that i will have to dig out the cds and put them bak on my hd and redo all that junk that i didnt want to

my last and final hope is to ask the people...and those of you who are reading this are "the people" so please help me try and fix this problem if i can i want my portable music back...............................................................................................................j

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Um... I'm not sure about this...

It sounds to me like the encryption key of SonicStage and the encryption placed on your recorded tracks is different... in which case you'll probably have to redo all your CDs.

I could be wrong; someone else may know how to get your backed-up tracks to work properly.

Although, I would suggest using MD Simple Burner instead of SonicStage... doesn't leave OpenMG crap all over your HDD, is just as fast, and Simple Burner's quite a bit more stable than SonicStage in regards to crashing and whatnot.

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wowow, did i read that the SonicStage leaves crap all over the HDD ??  blink.gif  blink.gif  blink.gif

When SonicStage transcodes MP3s or whatever, it leaves a copy of the track in OpenMG format in a specific directory on your HDD. The strange thing is, this is not temporary. SonicStage doesn't delete the copy after it's done transferring it to MD.

Strange, ne?

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