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Users of HiMD in the Euro zone...

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I'm thinking of buying an HiMD-recorder, either the 900 or the 600. The major thing that's keeping me from running to the store and grab it right away, is that I'm worried about the sound, the loudness in particular (of the units available in the EU, where I live). I'm currenlt employing a Sharp MD-MT190 (with 2x10mW), and I'm happy about how loud and how silent the unit can be. Since the new HiMD are only 2x3mW here, I'm not sure how the sound will compare with my Sharp, apart from being from another manufacturer and thus with other parts. Is there anyone with a EU-capped HiMD and has tested it against a unit with a higher wattage? What am I going to miss (if at all)?

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I have the NH1 unit that has on output of 5mW. I usually listen to it at a volume of 8/30 and occasionally 12/30 into my sony in-ear clip on headphones (little over the ear clips)

All I can really say is visit a shop & ask for a demo. Take along the headphones you will use most often & plug them into the remote so that the setup is as if you were using it (Also take along some SP & LP2 tracks on a MD if you currently have one, make the SP recording via optical if possible)

Because all the lower units have the same output I would suggest the following

Try one in the group if you are looking to buy within that group (e.g if they dont have the model you are after)

MZ-NH600,700,800 (All the same ouput of 3mW & all have same amp)

MZ-NH900 (Uses HD amp but only has 3mW output)

MZ-NH1 (Uses HD amp but has 5mW ouput as no euro version)

Personally I would look at bying the NH1 from the internet as you can get it for cheaper than the NH900's RRP and it is a much better unit.

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i have a euro nh900 and listen to it with sonys ex71 fontopia in ear phones - all my music is hi-lp mostly mp3s and analouge radio recordings and cd rips - i nearly always have it on volume 30/30 for running. the phones helps to add bass but defintely would like to crank up the volume but cant 'cos it wont go any higher mad.gif

i personaly would get a higher ouput device like the nh1 or better still wait for sharp to realase theirs - with sharps you can realy blast your ears, with sony (in hi-lp-prob bit louder with hi-sp/pcm) you are nearly always reaching for the remote and trying to get it a bit louder...

wish i waited 3weeks and got an american unit (they have 5mw x 2)

you can get a us unit from minidisco.com audiocubes.com bluetin.com

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I listen with my 2x10mW at a volume of 15/30 to 20/30. I wouldn't want less volume with my new HiMD. Will I?

I have the NH1 unit that has on output of 5mW. I usually listen to it at a volume of 8/30 and occasionally 12/30 into my sony in-ear clip on headphones (little over the ear clips)

All I can really say is visit a shop & ask for a demo. Take along the headphones you will use most often & plug them into the remote so that the setup is as if you were using it (Also take along some SP & LP2 tracks on a MD if you currently have one, make the SP recording via optical if possible)

I've thought of that, but there's not many shops that sell HiMD at all and if they do, I don't think they let me listen. I'll try to give it a try though. By the way, all my MD's are recorded SP via a deck with coaxial input from a Marantz CDplayer (it's my dads stuff, and he's sort of an audiophile tongue.gif) so I trust quality is good.

Personally I would look at bying the NH1 from the internet as you can get it for cheaper than the NH900's RRP and it is a much better unit.

Internet and Retail is the same price here in NL, so an NH1 would mean about 50-70 euros extra cost. Are you sure they NH1 also in the EU has 5mW output?

you can get a us unit from minidisco.com audiocubes.com bluetin.com

I would do, if they where somewhat closer to me smile.gif They're charging almost $70 to send it here, and I probably have to add another $20-$40 for (import)taxes. That's a bit too much for my taste.

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