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Titling ATRAC Files In Japanese/Chinese/Korean

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Titling Your ATRAC music tracks In Japanese/Chinese/Korean

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For Network WALKMAN & VAIO Pocket

Need to title your ATRAC/ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus files in Japanese/Chinese/Korean using non-Japanese SonicStage CP 4.0? Please follow the registry edit detailed below and run SonicStage CP 4.0 with Microsoft AppLocale Utility.

**Need Microsoft AppLocale Utility? click here. Need instruction with Microsoft AppLocale? Read further below.

Kanji, kana, Chinese and Hangul characters will show as it should if you apply the following edit properly.

  1. Using regedit (Within WinXP, Start --> Run --> input "regedit"), go to

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sony Corporation\OpenMG\PD\{D887F25F-02A3-44D7-841F-583DD5231B5F}

  2. Then locate the entry called "AreaCode" with a value of 2 for US version.
  3. Change it to 40000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Japanese install of SonicStage.


(*If you wish to title and display music tracks in Traditional/Simplified Chinese, change it to 800000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Traditional/Simplified Chinese install of SonicStage.)

(*If you wish to title and display music tracks in Hangul, change it to 20000000 hexadecimal. That's the value on the Korean install of SonicStage.)

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Additional Instructions for the PSP or Memory Stick based device

Even though one can select any PSP system language regardless of region, non-Japanese PSP do not automatically provide Japanese/Chinese/Hangul text support for its ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus format. A registry edit is required so that ATRAC3/ATRAC3plus files already titled in Japanese/Chinese/Hangul text (with SonicStage CP 4.0) will be displayed by non-Japanese PSP accordingly.

Please follow the registry edit detailed below and run SonicStage CP 4.0 with Microsoft’s AppLocale Utility. --> *to title in Japanese/Chinese/Hangul with non-Japanese SonicStage, please refer to the above section for instructions.

If you apply the following registry edit, kanji and kana as well as Korean characters (of your ATRAC/ATRAC3plus files) will display as it should on your non-Japanese PSP.

  1. Using regedit, go to

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sony Corporation\OpenMG\PD\{24FBD48F-275E-4b3f-A169-08969C996A0D}

  2. locate the entry called "Char" and change its value to 2.
  3. locate the entry called "Language" and change its value to 2.
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Running SonicStage CP 4.x with Microsoft AppLocale

1) Launch Microsoft AppLocale


2) Locate the Application - for your case: SonicStage 3.3



3) Detect the Language; select the desired language of target application


4) Launch the target application; create a shortcut to always run this application with AppLocale.


*how to add support for new languages with WinXP?

To install East Asian language files on your computer

1. Open Regional and Language Options in Control Panel.

2. On the Languages tab, under Supplemental language support, select the Install files for East Asian languages check box.

3. Click OK or Apply.

You will prompted to insert the Windows CD-ROM or point to a network location where the files are located.

4. After the files are installed, you must restart your computer.


• To open Regional and Language Options, click Start, click Control Panel, click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options, and then click Regional and Language Options.

• You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings might also prevent you from completing this procedure.

• The East Asian languages include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The files for most other languages are installed on your computer automatically by Windows.

• It is recommended that you install these files only if you are going to be entering or receiving text in one or more of these languages. The Chinese, Japanese, and Korean files require about 230 megabytes (MB) of space on your hard disk. In addition to the language files, Input Method Editors (IMEs) are installed for each of the three languages.

• After you install the East Asian language files on your computer's hard disk, you must add the individual languages for which you want to enter and display text. After you add a language, the language is loaded into memory every time you start your computer.

• To remove the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean files from your computer, clear the check box, and then click OK or Apply.

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