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data transfer rate

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I consider buying a Hi-MD recorder. Not only for listening music but also for storing data and using it as a USB drive. My question is what is the recording speed of data on a Hi-MD disk. I mean how much time will it take to download and upload 1GB of data to and from a Hi-MD recorder.

Thanks in advance.


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I've read that the recording speed is about 450 kb/second. It's slow, but it's nice, because with a standard md you'll have 270 mb of disk space, and 1gb with the new discs.

i think the reading speed is the same, but i'm not sure (at least seems it's the same).

To upload 1 gb... i don't know, i took around 20 minuts to upload a 200 mb file to a std-md. smile.gif

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well its not fast but hen you consider storing a gig of space or 300 mb for 7 buks or just over a dollar then i feel that you cant be too picky

the read speed is pretty standard meaning if you put a video on there it wont play back slow or anything its goes at normal seed, its a great backup meathod but requires patience

im willing to deal with that but its up to the individual person

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