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R.I.P. - Cori's R900

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The day before the hurricane hit, I noticed something about my R900. It had recently been acting up... refusing to charge my gumsticks (I had been using it to charge the batteries for both the R900 and the DS8) and occasionally turning itself off.

Well, I was recording a disc and I had just finished writing TOC... and when I removed the disc and powered it off, the unit wouldn't turn back on. The battery was only half drained, my DS8 told me.

With the AC adapter in, the unit would not power on. Nothing I did, neither a fresh gumstick, an AA and a gumstick or the AC adapter, would make this unit come back to life.

I fiddled with it a bit, popped it open to see if I could locate any damage, but I couldn't see any. The battery connections were still okay, but the unit wouldn't function at all. I even gave it and the service manual to an electronics guru that I know for a few hours. It was he who declared my R900 dead on September 15, 2004 at 4:30 pm.

So I lay thee to rest, faithful R900. May you rest in peace.

Cori's R900 (April 24, 2001 - September 15, 2004)


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:sad:  :sad:  very sorry about that... cheer up, your new pink miniIpod baby is on its way  :happy:

Not any time soon. unsure.gif

With this ominous debt I have, and my general all around lack of money, I'm going to need to find a new recorder pronto or be forced to listen to the same music over and over again. :sleep:

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... I'm going to need to find a new recorder pronto or be forced to listen to the same music over and over again.  :sleep:

Oi. I know how you feel. >__<

Last year my N707 died, and the next week I was in such dire need of a new recorder that I traded 3 PS2 games to my room mate for his N505. :laugh:

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