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  • Minidisc units
    All Sony Deck & Walkman: JA555es, JE440, MZ-1, MZ-R30, MZ-R55, MZ-R90, MZ-E900, MZ-N1, MZ-N10, MZ-RH1

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  1. Interesting. But for me they are fake. these are not authentic original minidiscs. But the initiative deserves to be welcomed.
  2. macaddict77


    It's a great model! I got my E10 in great condition with the remote control for € 49 in 2014. A big stroke of luck at the time! Good luck:)
  3. Merci Philippe. Je vais regarder cela du côté de Buy Nippon dans ce cas. Pour l’instant cette télécommande est a 55€ (sans les frais de port, ni taxes de douanes, ni commissions diverses du site intermédiaire etc...) Ca risque de chiffrer pas mal;(
  4. C’est un site d’encheres Asiatique! Oula comment ça se passe?! Entre les commissions et les frais de port (+ le prix de la telco et les éventuelles frais de douanes) ça va douiller ! Merci pour le coup de pouce Philippe;)
  5. I do not follow up. to you to play if you are interested
  6. Hi Kris01 and thank you for your help. I Don't know the RM-D51M and I do not Know with witch deck it was delivered. In any case it looks as rare to find as the RM-D50m!
  7. Hi everybody, I'm searching for Original Remote for my Sony MDS JA333es: a RM-D51M! Actually I have a RM-D17M (from MDS-JB920) and is not exactly the same. I can possibly propose an exchange of this RM-D17 against a RM-D51M Thanks, Macaddict
  8. Hi! what are the respective prices?
  9. Everything it's OK now! My JA333es work perfectly now! Thanks to Sphig!!
  10. Here are the 2d cut plans made by my father, retired industrial designer. It lacks 3D modeling but it is already a good basis for remaking in 3D printing either plastic or metal. I'm waiting for a generous piece generously offered by Sphig and if it does not work (but I doubt it) I would then ask for a quote for the manufacture of this piece with the modern means
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