This has been a very long journey. Trying to get a stupid little “rubber band”. One of the biggest break throughs was the posting on this thread what the actual sony part number is.
I swam through a sea of wasted purchases from sellers around the world with generic pictures of belts regardless if it was “the one” for the mds e12 or jb940.
I waited for postage to arrive only to be disappointed at big-ole thick belts of varying diameter. I made calls, I drove to small repair shops, I was told by electronic repair facilities md decks are not worth the money to repair them.
mdm-7 drives use this little belt to load. When the disc does not load properly you get a read error or a c-13. The disc will not eject in some cases, or it spits it back out in others.
Between the 22 pro + consumer decks, car decks and portables I own. Along with the hundreds upon hundreds of discs I have recorded, I am not about to give up because they say they are not worth fixing.
Today my six pack of belts arrived from;
in denver colorado. They are genuine sony belts repackaged for uniformity. They are the real thing and they work like there was never a loading problem in the first place.
Having the real part number opened up a wider range of possabilities. Amazon listes them, but are out of stock. Walmart lists them but are out of stock. Electronic parts distributers list them as discontinued. Using google search, armed with a real part number, I found partsditribution.com
I needed 6, I bought 6. Now I can begin the easier task of extracting the e-12’s currently running on true rubber bands bought from the $ store. Then the more difficult job of extracting two 940’s from my work station. And while I am at it, a belt replacement pack goes the tc-we835 cassette with eject failure.
my hair is already grey, so my face turned blue instead.
We can call this saga over. But the number 422702501 should be a header at the top of everyone’s post just to make sure no one else goes through hell and back for rubber bands.
pictures... An aray of used and new belts. My work station with the 940’s. A four belt pack for the cassette. Other than to save money, why would sony change from the robust gear driven mechanism of the 930 to a tiny little belt? I don’t know.