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Everything posted by xispe

  1. Just a glympse of latest GYM developments. Bookmark editing via drag&drop! And creating of playlists! (still not implemented) Hope to release this soon.
  2. I think now GYM can contribute to world peace. As for the other dream features, one day we will get there! Thanks!
  3. great! what about XML for defining the language files. That would be very nice!
  4. Yes, in labels you need to put && to display represent a single &. The & in windows forms is used to identify the character which shall be underlined for keybord shortcuts... for instance: &File = File Bla && Bla = Bla & Bla Thanks vovo!
  5. As long as you have the keys generated, no need for carrying around the keywizard. You just need GYM.exe, those DLLs and decodeKeys.dat files. You can keep encodeKeys.dat for future releases, if you know what I mean. But for that I need all your help
  6. Ok! Here you have your answer... Each player has it's own set of keys, so you can't use the keys generated in one player to decode tracks in other player. If you have 2 players, you need to have 2 instances of GYM separated, and "assing" each one to one player. Use key wizard to generate the keys for each of the players. The genre, artist and albums info is not encrypted so you should see them without the correct set of keys. Joke: Then you can tag each player with a marker GYM1, and GYM2, to see which GYM to use to play and extract the files
  7. hummm has anyone else tried running GYM on windows 98 ? johno4485 is running in windows 98...
  8. New Version 1.12 is out! Major improvements: - MP3 bitrate - Track Lenght (these two thanks to Vovo!) - Fixed bugs in playback. - The title changes to show the now playing song - Minimize to Tray is possible. - Tray ballon information on single clicking on the icon. - Tray tooltip for quick info on the playing track - The playing genre, artist and album are now also highlighted in the lists. - Context menu in the track list. (Play tracks / Save tracks) - Possibility of playing only some of the tracks in the list. - Playback playlist lookup, and information in the now playing area regarding previous, current and next track. - And most of all: WEBSITE!!! http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym From there you can download the latest version, check screenshots and see interesting stuff! You can also donate using paypal, for those interested. For those who are not, simply download the program, use it and spread it! I'll be very happy with that! Direct link http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym/GYM1.12.zip Source code link: http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym/GYMSourcev1.12.zip Moderators, would you update the main page ? Thanks!
  9. install last version of DirectX, as the sound is played using DirectShow.
  10. THanks vovo, i've been working this weekend on a new release. Already merged your changes with my ones. Hope to release it soon (still today) Thanks!
  11. Is your NW-HD1 upgraded to play mp3 files ? Maybe that's why MP3 File Manager refuses to install. Factory NW-HD1s only play ATRAC files... Thanks
  12. Hey Vovo! Great! you found out how to do deal with the track time and bitrate! I've been out in a conference, and what a suprise to see a new GYM version!! The track list looks very nice with those new columns I've tested allright your last version... Now we some slight problems: 1. I don't use Visual Studio 2005. 2. In past week I've done some non-relased enhancements such as: - Multi select for saving tracks... - Title with the current music playing - Minimize to tray - ... and some other things that I don't remember anymore lol So during the weekend, if you put the code avaiable somewhere, I will merge both versions. Ok ? Nice! Thanks! Now we are making real progresses! From 17 December to 19 December i will be abroad, so think on the next thing to develop Vovo
  13. Hey Vovo! I believe there is information on 04CNTINF.DAT about the track lengths... (the type of track i'm using it, I found a pattern for MP3 files and another for ATRAC files, and I use it to detect track type... But there is another possibility of getting this information for mp3 files. Decode the first (??) bytes of the MP3 and read the frame header. To figure out the track length, bitrate, and so on. But it would be slower. In anyway i believe that 04CNTINF.DAT contains this information. Look at Mp3 File Manager, it displayes the track lenght! In sonic stage the same, plus the codec and bitrate. You can perform a simple test, that is providing to mp3 file manager tracks with know lengths and bitrates, and see how these get in the file. Thanks for your cooperation!
  14. Well, I would love to do that. I've already tried to use the same technique: - I Picked up an ATRAC3Plus OMA file in sonic stage, and added all the possible values fro 255 (0xFF) to 0 (0x00) at the end (trash) in blocks of 8 bytes, so I can figure out the cypher keys... - I was able to import the track onto sonicstage library and even play it, but I was unable to transfer the track onto the device... It said that the track could not be transfered. So I presume that with ATRAC files there is some sort of checksum in the transfering process, to avoid possible hackings. Anyway this was a 10 minute test... As this is quite simple, I would be very grateful if someone tried this out. Cheers
  15. I'm currently very short of time. Today I'm going to a conference... be back on thursday On 17 flying to Madrid... well maybe in xmas I upload the stuff to sourceforge, release some new versions etc.. lol Thanks!
  16. WOW! That's really impressive ! I happy that you found a way of making our GYM work with the new portables. Sony guys must be nuts right now! bahahhahaha! Nice that sonic stage also works for transfering the dummy tracks. I stepped away of that solution because it would mess with peoples library, and I didn't knew how would sonic stage react to add lets say.. 5000 or 10000 tracks in one shot to the library. You know, I had enough of sonicstage lol, but nice it works! it's a different way of getting gym working! GYM only extracts MP3 files, so as you said: mp3 in = mp3 out. Thanks for hosting GYM!
  17. Well... but if you can play back the tracks you should be able to save them. Do you have free hard disk space ? thanks
  18. Sorry, but GYM doesn't support ATRAC files. ATRAC files have a tottaly different enconding scheme...
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