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Everything posted by xispe

  1. In this weekend i'll try to produce a webpage for the software, with a looooong wishlist section, where I will put all your comments / wishes. I also plan to release a new version to fix some bugs I detected and others you detected. And of course add a Paypal Donate link for those interested! THanks!
  2. GYM at your work, GYM at home, GYM everywere! Everybody is working out. Let's exercise! Healthy people!
  3. GYM doesn't do any kind of bit rate conversion. After saving if you get 128 kbps files means that you have 128 kbps files in the player. There shall be no setting to transcode to a different bitrate, the tracks shall be copied as is. Thanks
  4. Your computer has USB 2.0 ? or 1.1 ? It seems that it is taking too long to get the tracks off the player... How long are the tracks ? What are your computer specifications ? While reading the source track GYM decodes the track using the correct cypher keys. This process can be intensive, depending mostly on your computer specifications.
  5. Nice! I like when things work. Looks like we found another compatible device.
  6. The encoded files in the player don't have IdTags, SS and MP3FM cuts them out. I'm considering the possibility of recreating some of the Id3Tags by using the Title, artist, Album, Genre information that are associated with the track. Wow... that's odd! I'll try to check that ... but the files are with the same bitrate / length... Thanks for using GYM!
  7. Before it actually starts transfering the files, mp3 file manager encodes all the dragged files, thats why it almost seems crashed, but in fact it isn't. I'm going to test the #1's album bug it's a very unusual type of title Thanks for the saving tracks tip, It makes sense to save a single track. Have to thing a easy way of doing that In future versions for high demanding data transfer situations, messages will be displayed for people with USB 1.1 With USB 2.0 I bearly notice the application starting up Thanks for your comments!
  8. Before playing the file, the file must be fully extracted. That why it takes sometime before the file starts playing. For futher versions i'm considering doing this as the mp3 plays.
  9. What takes most of the time is mp3 file manager copying the files... For me it took almost 1 hour for copying 5000 files in the player. Explain me the freezing stuff
  10. It hangs ? Where ? While playing mp3s ? Give me as much information as possible regarding this.
  11. Yes, the mp3 playback sometimes have problems. The shuffle is a mess And better! Sometimes multiple tracks appear playing with the playing icon on the list. Regarding new developments: someone told that it would be nice to decode atrac files also. Well... atrac files have a totally different encoding scheme. Probably they use different keys. Need to check it out. Uploads... let me examine how mp3 file manager works, the files that it changes and we'll talk about it.
  12. For now this is still just for donwloading from the player. No uploads allowed. For that you can use Mp3 file manager. It's not in my plans buying on of the new hdd players from sony, but i think this program will work with those also. Unless that "Connect" software thing changes the directory structure of the files...
  13. No problems if you delete albums, import albums, or add more albums. GYM will work with no troubles. Once you got the keys generated, there is no need to generate them again. If you generated 10000 tracks, the wizard figured it out 10000 keys, which means that the first 10000 files saved in the player will be readable, got it? Now you can use your device freely. Thanks for the bug
  14. You are only getting 10000 tracks in the player because you want to. You are able to choose for how many tracks you will like to generate keys. With 10000 certainly you will generate all the keys that are necessary. Let's face it, I own a 20 gb hd5, and with the harddrive almost full i have less than 3000 tracks. So I generated keys using 5000 tracks. More than enough. Your OMGAUDIO backup will be always preserved. And you shouldn't cancel the wizard in the middle.
  15. No problem with that, as long as the 10000 tracks get in the player
  16. Hey, I also own a nh700 (great machine) and the program doesn't work with Hi-MD. The structure is completely different. But anyway I suppose that the cypher might be similar, because let's face it: the cypher can't be too complicated, otherwise the devices would run out of power just for decoding.
  17. GYM - Grab Your Music v1.0 is in: http://www.atraclife.com/index.php?showtopic=440
  18. GYM | Network Walkman BROWSER-PLAYER-EXTRACTOR <HR noShade SIZE=1> Hey all! Ok here it is, the first non sony software that actually works with network walkman devices! Connect your network walkman and you can browse, play and EXTRACT tracks in an itunes like interface. That's right! You can extract them again to your harddrive. This software requires MP3 File Manager to be installed in the device. This along with MP3 File Manager allows you to put and GET music back from your Network Walkman. <HR noShade SIZE=1> Update: GYM1.13b (beta) (12/23/05) Note: Add the two files into your GYM directory. NEW: Version 1.12 Download here: --> Direct link GYM1.12 --> Source code link: GYMSourcev1.12 MAJOR Improvements: - MP3 bitrate - Track Lenght (these two thanks to Vovo!) - Fixed bugs in playback. - The title changes to show the now playing song - Minimize to Tray is possible. - Tray ballon information on single clicking on the icon. - Tray tooltip for quick info on the playing track - The playing genre, artist and album are now also highlighted in the lists. - Context menu in the track list. (Play tracks / Save tracks) - Possibility of playing only some of the tracks in the list. - Playback playlist lookup, and information in the now playing area regarding previous, current and next track. - And most of all: WEBSITE!!! http://clientes.netvisao.pt/~sonygym From there you can download the latest version, check screenshots and see interesting stuff! You can also donate using paypal, for those interested. For those who are not, simply download the program, use it and spread it! I'll be very happy with that! <HR noShade SIZE=1> INSTRUCTIONS 1) Microsoft .NET Framework is required. You can download it from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en 2) Extract the ZIP file to your harddrive. A folder named GYM1.0 will be created. Inside this folder you will find 2 executable files: GYM.exe ( the Grab Your Music browser/player/extractor) KeyWizard.exe ( the Grab Your Music key generation wizard). First start by running the wizard. Follow the on screen instructions. After you are finished with the wizard start GYM and enjoy! I'll add further instructions later if necessary. Meanwhile the original thread: click here Cheers <HR noShade SIZE=1>
  19. full version of the key generator and browser tomorrow hang on guys!
  20. I'm developing a wizard to generate the keys on the device! screenshots: hope to have it finished soon It's looking nice isn't it ?
  21. The version on the server doesn't have the save feature yet. I would ask you to wait a bit till the end of this week, it's going to be a busy week at work You have to install .NET Framework before using the application. I did a test with atrac files, they were downloaded, but winamp didn't played them (of course). I didn't test in importing these files back in Sonic Stage. Maybe it works, maybe not i'll try later Thanks for the support
  22. well, i don't know, maybe in the future. The main objective was to do a reverse mp3filemanager. This along with mp3filemanager allows people to move in and out their mp3s, what is very useful.
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