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Everything posted by xispe

  1. Ok! Making some real interesting progress now! After doing some experiments, looking at the OMA files side by side with their mp3 correspondence I noticed that 4 substitution cyphers where used. For instance, in the mp3 file i had the sequence: UUUUUUUU and in the oma i had: XWERXWER So, for the first byte, U gets replaced with X, the second gets replaced with W, the third with E, and the forth with X. So i had the ideia to generate an mp3 file with some intellegent trash at the end. I wrote all the possible bytes (from 00 to FF) in groups of four in hexadecimal, something like: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE ... until 00 00 00 00 Then i uploaded the file to the player using mp3 file manager, and looked at the resulting OMA file. I produced a small program for generating the 4 substitution cyphers, given a source mp3 file (with that trash at the end) and the resulting OMA file . So I got the 4 substition cyphers for this file. Then I deleted the file in mp3 file manager, and uploaded a real mp3! As this track was given the same id (the previous one was deleted), the cypher for encoding is the same! So, i could successfully extract the original mp3 file from the OMA file, using the cypher discovered with my trashy file! So, the idea is to get all the substition cyphers possible, at up to "n" tracks. Now the trick, I renamed the directory OMGAUDIO to OMGAUDIO_, opened MP3 File Manager and had a clean player, with no tracks. (But all my previous tracks were there). So what I did was generate lots of trashy files, to upload to MP3 File Manager, for it to encode and for figuring out the cyphers for each track number. (numbers now starting by 1, as OMGAUDIO is empty!) I used 5000 tracks, which i think is more than enough. (In my hd5 i have 1gb free and have around 2800 tracks). After loading all of these, I modified my program, to compare the original file with all the encoded files, and to build a database of cyphers, to use in each track number! (5 megabyte binary file) After finishing that and saving all the cyphers in a file, I renamed the full of trash OMGAUDIO to OMGAUDIO crack, and renamed back OMGAUDIO_ to OMGAUDIO. This way i had my tracks back on MP3 File Manager and on the player it self. Now, I had to do was to use the cyphers that i got, to decode the files in the player! Guess what!? IT WORKED! As for the results, i think the images are pretty nice Winamp playing a track just extracted from the hd5 ! About to extract a full album! ahahaha sony!!! Just select the output folder... Look! Where the heck is the DRM ? Playing back the legal tracks in winamp! I'm going to automate as much as possible all that process of generating the keys, for you to test on your devices. I think that the keys are also dependent on the device Id... (check the DvID.dat in the Mp3 File Manager directory). I tried to change it, and the tracks didn't play on the player [thanks to http://www.livejournal.com/users/waider/415461.html , for giving me the substitution cypher clue ]
  2. thanks! Wait big news on this later... i'm having success in decoding mp3 files directly from the player! EDIT: opps the keys used for encoding depend not only on track number, but also on the device Identifier...
  3. New version! New icons and cool stuff! (Yes i drawn the icons by hand by looking at the player!) Executable: http://www.uninova.pt/~rmf/nwhddbrowser/Ne...kmanBrowser.zip Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 to be installed on the system. If not installed, download it from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en Source code (C#, Visual Studio .NET 2003): http://www.uninova.pt/~rmf/nwhddbrowser/Ne...owserSource.zip Just run the program, it will look for the device, (a drive containg OMGAUDIO directory with the file 04CNTINF.DAT). The software was tested only using a SINGLE HD5. I don't know if the filenames change in other devices. Nothing is written to the device, so you shouldn't loose anything by running the problem. Even if you do, I shall not be held resposible Have fun!
  4. Hi! I've been developing a homemade genre/artist/album browser for my nw-hd5. I managed to figure out the structure of the files inside OMGAUDIO to get the information about all the tracks saved in the player. So i constructed a small program for browsing the tracks in an itunes like interface COOL! Here goes a screen shot! I figured out also where the matching OMA files are kept in the various subdirectories under OMGAUDIO. I've made some testings on changing artist / genre / album names and it works. There are independent files for artists, albums and genres Well.. i've seen somewhere that someone had figured out the mechanism for encoding and decoding mp3 files (via mp3filemanager). If i get that code, I think it's possible to make a fine replacement for mp3filemanager! And even a player! Future work: - Read your comments. - Publish this stuff and code for you to try it out in other devices. - Editing Genre/Artist/Album information. - ?? create a sonicstage replacement ?
  5. I also have an HD5 and hear a background hiss, with a pair of ex71 and even with the awful headphones that came with the player! It is very annoying in silent parts of the tracks. But, anyway while hearing to music I don't hear the hiss at all, and the sound quality is very impressive.
  6. With all these answers I suppose that my unit is faulty lol
  7. It happens in all types of tracks... mp3, atrac3, atrac3+ in all bitrates
  8. Hi! I have a nw-hd5 with firmware version 1.2. (with cracked buttons ) I've been noticing some background noise, in lower volumes. All i can say is that it is a noise that is always there, everytime the unit is in play mode. If I push the volume all down to the minimum i head a sort of "psssssssss" noise like the one we had a few years ago with magnetic tapes . If pause the unit, the noise goes away... The volume of that noise is constant, so it doesn't raises up when the volume is pushed up. So in higher volumes i won't hear the noise at all, if the track has sound. BUT in more silent parts of the track, here comes that noise again... I've heard somewhere on the internet a nw-hd3 review and they pointed out this "feature". Is this also a feature of nw-hd5 ? Has anyone noticed this ? I am using a pair of sony ex71 as headphones. No equalizer stuff turned on. Thanks!
  9. all my atrac devices are stopped i'm tired
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