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Posts posted by ShriDurga

  1. ...after years of promising "One Sony," CEO Kaz Hirai appears to be systematically breaking the company up for sale. The VAIO PC division was sold last year and just announced its first hybrid laptops as an independent company, and Hirai told investors that he has to consider spinning off the smartphone business and possibly selling the TV business outright.

    According to Hirai, that leaves Sony with three main businesses at its core :

    1. Sony Pictures Entertainment, the hit-or-miss Hollywood studio that just fired Amy Pascal after being hacked to bits at the end of last year.
    2. The PlayStation division, which has so far won the next-gen console race with the PS4 but yet to define a clear mobile strategy; PlayStation Mobile is all but ignored, and the Vita is a beautifully noble failure.
    3. Selling image sensors to Apple for the iPhone.



  2. Thanks for the feedback and for taking an interest.  


    I tried all the variety of recordings you suggest, but nothing will transfer.  Also installed the NetMD driver, but still no transfer.  Tried a different USB cable - nada.  I did not rename any files on the MD.  


    Got to the office this morning, fired up the work laptop, and transferred the files.  No problems at all.  So, it seems the disc is good, the RH1 is good, but something on my laptop is funked up. 


    When I did the reinstall, I first removed SS, rebooted, and installed.  Is it possible some components of SS were left behind when I did the remove, components that are affecting the reinstall?

  3. Yes, Hi-SP.  Sorry for the confusion.


    Yes, I can play the track on the computer by clicking on the track (in the right hand pane, which shows a left-facing triangle).


    I removed and reinstalled SS.  Still cannot transfer tracks.  


    I found a discussion about a similar-looking problem here:   As per the suggestion here, I tried creating a new path/folder in which to save transferred files.  Doesn't seem to help.  


    Tried on my NH1 - same story.  


    Also tried transferring files from a different disc, with similar lack of success.

  4. The manual advice on the write-protect tab is opposite of that provided in the SS help files:


    Make sure that the write protect tab of the disc (in the Hi-MD device) is in the unlocked position. Otherwise, tracks cannot be transferred from the Hi-MD back to My Library.

  5. Referencing the RH1 manual, I note the following:


    When a disc used in Hi-MD mode is inserted in the recorder and the record-protect table of the disc is open, audio data cannot be transferred to the computer.  Make sure that the record-protect tab of the disc is closed.  


    My attempts above were with an open-tab.  Ejected the disc, closed the tab, and tried again.  This time I got an error code:  The device/media is write-protected,  (Error code: 000664f)

  6. I made a recording last night in SP mode on 1GB disc via the RH1.  This morning I cannot transfer it to the PC via SS 4.03.01.  In the right hand pane, SS shows the available files.  When I select them and click Transfer, the program blinks, but nothing else happens.  No transfer.  I tried rebooting, but that doesn't appear to have any effect.  I have used this RH1 for similar work in the past, on this very same laptop.  


    Any suggestions?


    Thank you.

  7. Amid all the hype last week over the Apple Watch and iPhone 6 unveilings the demise of the iconic iPod was largely overlooked, which is probably one of the main reasons why Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) decided the era of its revolutionary “1,000 songs in your pocket” gadget was over. Why have a separate product that’s essentially an iPhone without the phone?

    Even before Apple announced the end to the portable music player that single-handedly ended the Sony Walkman’s decades-long reign from cassette to CD, sales of the iPod were declining -- by a lot. In the company’s first quarter of 2014 the player made up only 2 percent of Apple sales revenue compared to 56 percent for the iPhone. In the past six fiscal years, iPod sales declined from nearly $10 billion at their peak in 2008, a year after the iPhone debuted, to less than $5 billion last year.


  8. But, Philippe, it's not direct. The RH1 adapter looks like this:


    In one side goes the cord connecting to the wall socket. In the other a usb plug connecting to the NH1 cradle via a PSP pin (using the device in my first post).

  9. ... its a workhorse of a unit albeit not as pretty as others.


    Indeed. It's like a VW Bug.  I have had mine for about seven years and it's the been the best unit I've ever had.  Runs for hours on one AA battery and once a disc is loaded you can operate the thing like a cell phone, with just one thumb:  press play, left-right track advance-reverse, up-down volume, press pause, or press stop.  

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