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Posts posted by ShriDurga

  1. I have found a seller who has allowed me weekend use of the unit to test it out.  The charger line has been patched three times and no longer works.  I found this online and wonder if the PSP or Nokia pin will function.  I can plug this into the RH1 charger.  





    Charging the battery now in my RH1.  




  2. Good start. Sometimes archaeology is simply that - stating the obvious and establishing the facts.

    How about a time line? Can dates be established? The unit he sold me is a DHC-MD333. I don't know that he ever owned any other unit.

  3. post-101232-0-24832000-1383668135_thumb.

    Last week I picked up a used Sony bookshelf system from someone leaving Dubai. He threw in a box of MDs, a photo of which I present here. After you've had a look at it, I wonder what you can tell us about this person's MD behavior or habits. This is the box exactly as I received it, like some treasure dug up from a buried palace. I'll post more photos of selected discs should this exercise prove of any interest. In the meantime, what can you tell about this MD user from the evidence in the photo? In truth, I know little about him but his name, email, phone, that he's English and leaving soon for a new post in Singapore.

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