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Posts posted by ShriDurga

  1. I had a nearly identical Aiwa bookshelf, my first MD player/recorder. It appears yours lasted longer than mine. First component to go was the MD, then the CD changer, then the cassette. At last I was left with a large radio. Gave it to the neighborhood junk man several years ago.

  2. While doing some business in downtown Fukuoka this afternoon I stopped by Bic Camera, one the city's three electronics retailers. The only sign of MD was in the home audio section, a selection of Onkyo combo systems, as well a larger selection of what we used to call boom boxes. Also on hand were a fair selection of blanks.

    There was no sign of MD in the portable audio section but for this pamphlet, which as you can see was issued in August of last year (a new one should be coming this month or next). Only 4 MD models are included in a catalog featuring other hot tech items such as CD walkman and cassette walkman.



  3. Crystal Fragments: Best of the Ball


    My own 1998 MD compilation from the 3cd set.

    If U only had one year left 2 live

    What good is the time U spend if U got no love 2 give?


    Now back in Japan and cleaning house, including getting rid of several hundred MDs. Stay tuned.

  4. The most recent issue of The Economist features an article on Sir Howard Stinger's reign at Sony and his reaction to the current state of the world economy. The full article is here, with an excerpt below.

    Now Sir Howard has the control he feels he needs. “When this crisis came along, for me it was a godsend, because I could reorganise the company without having to battle the forces of the status quo,” he says. He has reorganised Sony into two groups, one based around networked media products (games, computers, music-players, new mobile products and related services) and the other encompassing televisions, cameras and components. Crucially, the restructuring means that software development and procurement will be wrested from individual product groups and centralised, quashing their “silo” mentality—something Sir Howard has long been trying to accomplish.

    The reforms go deeper. Sony will cut around 16,000 employees, including full-time workers who had counted on lifetime employment. It also will close up to six of its 57 factories around the world. Sony expects all this to save around $2.5 billion a year. It has been too slow to move its operations to where its customers are. Around half of its products by value are made in Japan, but only 15% of its electronics sales are domestic. The strength of the yen, which soared during 2008, is debilitating.

    Sir Howard says Sony is open to making deals to bring in new ideas and technologies or to shed underperforming businesses. “The issue of cutting costs, laying off people and closing factories, and the like, is very difficult,” he says. “I’ve got to respect the country that I’m in—but I will push them as far as I can.” The big question now, assuming that Sir Howard is finally in a position to make radical changes, is whether he will be able to make them quickly enough to save Sony, and himself. The next year will be his final toss of the dice. If he is unable to overhaul the company, the next head to roll will be his.

  5. Yes, I have Nero, but was thinking perhaps Sony might have made SS a bit more useful, like being able to convert ATRAC files to MP3 and saving me the extra step of having to first convert, then burn.

    Ah, well.

    Thanks, guys.

  6. A friend has asked me to upload 7 one-hour lectures from legacy MD, which I have done. They currently exist on the desktop as a folder of 7 wav files, and in SS as 7 OpenMG Audio (PCM) files. So far, so good.

    My friend also wants me to create one CDR of seven MP3 files. I opened Sonic Stage, Transfer menu, Create MP3 CD, but files cannot be selected to be transferred.

    Having never created a CD with SS, I looked in SS Help and found this very useful piece of information:

    Depending on your operating environment, you may not be able to create a CD.

    Must I reformat these files as ATRAC in order to make an MP3 CD? In the Convert File Format dialog box I'm given the choice to convert to ATRAC3 or ATRAC3 Plus. Will either do for creating an MP3 CD?

  7. Hello, Nick. Nice to meet you.

    I'll let some of our more technically inclined members field your recording questions. I wanted instead to encourage you to share a bit of your weekend recording session in this thread. You may note that I've got my own railroad recording there, made this past December at India's Varanasi Station.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

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