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Everything posted by Giant_Rick

  1. I would love to do it, but I'm thinkin of going to Spain (I'm in Italy) and it will cost a lot... so no MD for a while But then -> Boss time
  2. Due to the upcoming Bruce Springsteen tour I won't buy anything in the following months. Oh well..
  3. I'm turning 17 on 21th Jan. but I'm not a MD user because I don't own one, but I'll place my order after selling some of my CDs and some stuff to raise money for the RH1.
  4. A friend of mine digs into electronic, so I managed to help building the mics and teh battery box; we'd like to build a preamp as well. What one should we build? How many dB and watts should have a preamp for MDs? We looked at this preamp and we like it. (can we replace the 51pF capacitor with something else? And can we use only one pot for both channels? Is it ready to be used as MD preamp or do we need to do something else?), And if we build both preampand battery box, hwo should I fill them? I thought something like MD recorded > preamp > battery box > microphones. Is it right? Thank you for your help!
  5. I was thinkin' about the 'bidirectional transfer' and... well, I'll upload in analogic way my recordings on the PC; in the meantime I can do something else... I saw a Sony MZ N707 for a great price (under 120€) and it's sweet.. if I'll like it, in the future I can buy a RH1... And what you mean with 'uncompressed PCM'? Can I record in standard PCM?
  6. Well, I was thinkin: should I spend a lot on a great model or should I spend not too much moneyon an average model? I'm talking about buying a Sony MZ N700 (707) and then hack it up to some features...
  7. Hi guys, after many nights spent thinkin' if a minidisc recorder would be good for me, I found that the answer is simply ''yes''. But there are a lot of MD out here, and I don't have a clue on which one should I buy. I would prefer to buy a Hi-MD one. The main features I need are: •line in and mic in because I want to record concerts •mic sensitivity selector (if possible) •downloading from /uploading to my PC the files on the discs •pitch/speed control: I play the guitar and I'm used to transcribe songs and I'd love to have a device that slows down the speed to listen better to the notes. My budget is about 250€.. I'm thinkin' about getting one of these MDs: Sony MZ NH900 / NH1 / RH1. The RH1 is my forbidden dream, but it's too expensive for me... but if I buy it from minidisc-canada.com I will save a lot of money... with 250€ I'll pay the RH1, 3 Sony balnks Hi-MD and 10 TDK blank 80mins MD.. plus shipping. Is minidisc-canada.com a safe place where I can buy from or is it a place to avoid? Where can I buy a MD recorder in Italy? Cheers!! Riccardo
  8. I don't know you, but I read some posts of yours' and I enjoyed a lot reading such nice things. Even I don't know you, I'm sure I will miss you. I wish you all the best, and may the power and God be with you.
  9. After some researches, I've found this site: www.banzaieffects.com It's very expensive but it has almost everything. They even sell Panasonic WM-61A! Unfortunately they're 2,50€ each... I'll place my order in a few days. One question: how many mics should I buy (approximately) in order to get a matched couple? I mean, I can find a matched copule every 10, 20,.. mic? Or what? And 1.2 mm heat shrinkable wire will work? Sorry for asking too many question and being a sort of pain in the arse..
  10. Thank you for your reply!! After writing my previous post, I went to the site you linked me (I missed it in the first post!) and found the mic; unfortunately shipping cost to Italy are 17 €. Since I don't speak a word of German, could you please tell me what I exactely need in German language, in order to buy the stuff quickier than with my system (I look at picture and I decide if I need it or not)? Danke!
  11. What a great tutorial!! I'll try to build both mic and battery box next week; will they work only with MD recorders or even with recorders such as Zooms, Edirols, Microtaks,..? Anyone knows a place to buy the microphone capsules in Europe (I live in Italy, but I can buy from France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Osterreich,....)? Thank you. Cheers!
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