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  • ATRAC Devices
    Sony MDS-JB930, Sony MZ-M100

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  1. Am i charging too much? I have seen these go on ebay for as much or more not including shipping
  2. For sale is a Sony MDS-JB930. This deck is well known for it's superb recording quality. I used this deck to record from CD to MD, and it really is awesome for a non ES level deck. I hate to see it go, but I am going to be moving soon and I need to sell this. I will be posting my other MD stuff soon. Price: $200 firm, which includes shipping to anywhere in the USA (sorry, no international shipping). I will also throw in an optical cable to connect to another digital source. Absolutley no issues at all, and it includes an original Sony brand remote control. Deck: https://imageshack.us/a/img703/9707/iaxp.jpg Remote: https://imageshack.us/a/img197/7748/pzga.jpg
  3. Why is the price of this recorder so unbelievably high? Is it it's rarity, or does it provide better recording quality?
  4. Well i ran out of TDK CD-Rs. I just want to get down to the bottom of this before I purchase more CD-Rs or blame the issue on my CD player. I burned the same brand of CD-Rs (Philips @4X) that once worked fine, but have issues now, so maybe it really is the player at fault.
  5. Punkrockaddict, What kind of oil did you use to clean your player? Would WD-40 work? I have had no issues at all burnibg FLAC to CD.
  6. I burn FLAC to CD with Imgburn, and the resulting CDs have CD-TEXT. I connect my CD player and MD deck together via optical for the audio, and a stereo (mono cable does not work) male to male cable for the Control A1 and it wprks great for titling MDs. My prob is CDs skipping, so I will try your suggestions.
  7. I agree. I tried foobar2000 and the post gap plugin, but it was very inconsistent with creating separate tracks (even when setting gaps between 2 - 4 seconds). I used one of those CD lense cleaners, but not much difference. Perhaps I need to open up my CD player and clean the lense better. Or adjust one of the pots? I really am getting fed up with dealing with a PC. I really only want to burn CDs with it, then go from CD to MD with my decks.
  8. I have a Sony CD 5-disc changer, which I use to transfer to my MD deck via optical and Control A1 to transfer CD-Text titles. Even when I burn CD's at 4X, and my resulting MD's have skipping. What is a good brand of CDs? Perhaps my CD player is bad? I uswd some TDK CD-R that I ran out of, and they don't have this issue.
  9. I am still experiencing the same issue of the MD deck not creating separate tracks, even after setting foobar2000/post-track silence plugin set to 4000. I think it is the fault of my MD deck continuing to record, even with no input signal (foobar2000 is clearly pausing in between tracks) in between tracks. Is there a setting on my MD deck to split tracks after a certain amount of silence? It seems hit or miss as far as my MD deck splitting tracks. There seems to be no clear reason when it decides when tracks are split up... P.S. - I can put my MD's into my Hi-MD/netMD player, connect to my PC via USB, and use Sonic Stage to edit the album and track names.
  10. This is the disc I am talking about that I want some more of: https://imageshack.us/a/img705/3369/tdkmdrxg.jpg
  11. I personally don't care for MP3 any more, so I switched to FLAC. I burn the FLAC albums to CD, then dub from my Sony CDP-CE535 5-disc CD changer to my Sony MDS-JB930 MiniDisc deck, and it sounds far superior to MP3 IMO. I used to be like most people, who put a whole lot of MP3s on an MP3 player, but since I care more about quality, I do it the old school way and dub in real time.
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