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Everything posted by DeltaVega

  1. Salut PhillipeC, Merci, je connais bien en tant que lecteur le forum laserdiscplaza.fr. Mais sur ton invitation je vais peut-être me décider à m'inscrire ;-)
  2. Hi, I have two. I can sell you one at a reasonable price. However, like all USB cables of the MZ-NH1, the USB plug works but the plastic is damaged (but repaired with tape). MP if you're interested.
  3. Yeah, you're probably right.
  4. The charge is working (CHR time is displayed on the screen and the battery is charged after 1 hour). Maybe a voltage fault...
  5. Hi, I'm new on this forurm and I have a problem when my MZ-NH1 is charging. The Charging lamp does not work anymore. Has anyone ever encountered this problem?
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