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Everything posted by Vovo

  1. Hello Xispe Happy to see you, Sorry i just read my mails ! (I plan to add tracks size, and to introduce multi language, with ini files i think...)
  2. The character '&' is not correctly displayed in the playing panel, but right in the track list and in the playing list
  3. Hello Xispe Allways about my sound issue, I'm using DirectX 9.0c 4.09.0000.0904 with ac97 3.80 drivers, any ideas ? Thanks to you
  4. Ah nope, Microsoft again ? Perhaps the temp folder for saving the files !
  5. Sorry i'm out of ideas, Perhaps the file 04CNTINF.DAT got a strange structure ??? It will be a good thing to clear all on your HD5 (by BD5 menu option) and to repeat the process with only MP3FM, GYM and MP3 file. Tell me what happens...
  6. So i think you follow scrupulously the keygen process, with keyWizard and MP3FileManager (V2). For enough files ?, you've got regular MP3 ? (sure not encoded as ATRAC) Strange issue by the way
  7. You must have the 2 .dat files in your GYM directory, decodeKeys and encodeKeys GOt it ?
  8. Hello GYMmaniacs First, GYM Homepage : Nice, perhaps a dedicated forum, an user guide... GYM 1.12 : Bugs and issues, nothing !!! Yes one, the last track of the playlist is never shufflised ! No two, click on the progress bar whilt a track is decoding. The right click on the playlist is not necessary. Improvements : Now GYM only needs cosmetics enhancements. Buttons, Playing area... (colors, rolling text...) The playlist constitution is a little bit long when checking shuffle tracks. Adding signs to indicate column and sort order /\ - \/. Playing track in bold (green...) I work on the look and i'll send you the 1.12b1. For Version 2... HD5 playlist administration, uploading mp3 tracks. (Just to kill definitively SS)
  9. YES !!! And a review for tomorrow of course now i go to the website Whaoo the playlist
  10. Bullshit no, it start again, the sound stall, it's my PC
  11. Yes cool, hurry to see this new one, My new build seems to solve my sound issue, i don't know why, microsoft.. Bye.
  12. Hello Xispe I made a new build with visual studio 2003 and .net 1.1, if you need it for easily recuperer retrieve my additions. Bye
  13. Yes sure i'm agree with you ! And i forget a little modif for the saving all tracks, thanks ltmayonnaise. Nobody's got strange sound issue ? Bye And Xispe do you receive my project ? 2 new bugs corrected (clicking twice on the shuffle, and clicking on the track in the player panel just after GYM launching)
  14. Hello Xispe You're back, i hope a good conference I downloaded studio 2005, cause it's free, but now i'm with .net 2.0, and i think there's some little differences with the 1.1. The dialog box for choosing a destination where save tracks was missing ! I make a modif for this, others additions were on AllTracks.cs TrackList.cs and Main.cs of course. My strange issue with a track (224kb) is corrected, i reencode it on reupload and its ok, says 192 ! I test with an ATRAC album at the top of list, it's not cool cause the first thing happening is an error decoding file, even if you try to play a mp3 file, GYM try to decode the first file of the list (preload) Another strange issue was that mp3 are playing sometimes too quickly (2x) i think it's my version but i don't understand why. So where can i send you my project ? (PM) Bye and good night Do you try mp3 with VBR bitrate ? You like the columns order ? THE SOUND BUG IS AWFUL, a track is playing well and the next is inaudible, i pause and restart and thats ok (always 2 tracks ok and the third awful)
  15. You need to install MP3FileManager and if you have a OMGAUDIO directory with a file 04CNTINF.DAT on your HD1 all is ready for GYM. Bye
  16. Yes i've got the same error at house, we need to install .net V2 I understand now why the .exe is so small And why i add g_SaveTracksThread.SetApartmentState(System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA); for the dialog box OK with : Framework 2.0 : x86 (KB829019)
  17. A new version for testing, Featuring, new track list with Track#, Time, and Bitrate. Ok for CBR MP3. Not testing for VBR. A strange issue, one of my 5000 mp3 is indicated 224kbit/s, like in sonicstage, but my HD5 says 192kbit/s, perhaps a bug in SonicStage or MP3FileManager, 04CNTINF.DAT contains erroneous values. GYM can't decode this file, i'm going to look at the real MP3. The mp3 signature is OK it's not ATRAC. Bye GYM for testing I'm waiting for Xispe to talk about these modifications
  18. The signature is FFFF03 and not FFFE03 ! Are your sure your files are really MP3 ? If Yes, i'll send you tomorrow another gym.exe with this signature for testing. Do you use connect player or SS ? Bye
  19. You can send me your 04CNTINF.DAT, i want to see if there's another ATRAC/MP3 signature. I'll give you my email by PM. Bye
  20. Great I display 2 new columns on the track list, time and track number. I find datas in 04CNTINF.DAT, i don't need to read oma files anymore. Initialisation is very fast. I put the track # before the title in the playing screen. For Xispe, if you want my project...
  21. Hello I worked on GYM today, to add track length, bitrate and track#. The only way i find was to read the OMA files, but for 5000 tracks, initialisation is about 5 minutes, i don't know if it's possible to read only the oma header, and to find directly a specific bytes sequence in the header, i do it with an instruction for(), it's not very efficient. Any ideas ? Thanks
  22. Working and GYMnastic is good for health I'm working on your AllTracks.cs, you read 04CNTINF.DAT, thats ok. But i think there's no info about the bitrate in it. maybe on trackHeaderInfo (9-10-11) i don't understand these values. I can find the bitrate on the oma file, but do you try to read each files ? I think it's too long, so no way for the bitrate ??? (the track# is easy) Bye
  23. I think you're right, i hope there will be a forum on the upcoming GYM homepage ! (Sorry for atraclife but this thread is going to be unreadable) Bye
  24. GYM 1.11 little review - Status bar not updated after stopping the file. OK - Track list count was incorrect. OK - Volume control track bar now starts with the current volume OK - Temp files actually get deleted now! OK - Temp files are on the windows temp directory now <- ! OK (good idea) - Advanced to the next track before the track really ended (a few miliseconds sometimes) YES (updatable by user will be great) New stuff : cool If i understand the right click on the playing artist and album, it place artist in all genres not only his own (left click) and album in all artists and all genres. - A crash! System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet. at csSoundProj.csSound.Play() at GYM.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) -Play an album with double click, -Right click on the playing artist (playing panel) -Left click on a different genre -> you've got artists but no albums -Click next -> playing buffered track -Click next, pause, play -> CRASH REMARKS - Strange : the focus is not set on tracks while playing on shuffle mode, but it's set when playing next track with >>. (Why not, it will be bothering to change the list with no user actions) - Initialisation is fastest. (even on USB 1.1) Sometimes the splash screen stay on screen after GYM is loaded. DESIDERATA (only suggestions bla bla bla...) : - A mark on the column header to indicate the sort order (asc/desc) - A mark on the Genre/Artist/album playing. - More columns : #track number/time/bitrate - Putting GYM in tray icon when it's minimised and showing the playing infos (Artist/Album/Title) on mouse over - Possibility to save ATRAC files (not to remove them from HD5) - An option to include/exclude ATRAC files. For Version 2 and more - Add remove files without MP3FileManager - Playlists - Play in winamp - Database... Conclusion : another sunday brilliant version I'm impatient to see the homepage!
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