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Everything posted by Vovo

  1. Thanks xispe I'll try this right now (if my boss is cool today) Bye Vovo
  2. Thanks Xispe And yes i really like ears GYMnastics GYM is one of the soft i'll take on a deserted island (with PC, HD5, power generator...) GYM deserve to be celebrated all around the world (my god i become a missionary man) Bye For hemingway It seems that many users are using GYM with HD3, is there any OMGAUDIO directory on your HD3, with .dat files ? MP3FileManager is installed on your player ? Thanks And a litlle thing AUTORUN.INF to put on the HD5 (with icon) right click on the player to start GYM on the context menu.
  3. Hello Xispe Just for a little suggestion, it will be great to put GYM in tray icon when it's minimised, and to show the playing infos (Artist/Album/Title) on mouse over. Bye
  4. You can play and save ATRAC3plus files ? Or you just see the files in the browser ? ATRAC files must be converted by softwares like HIMDRender, I will be very happy to say foolish things... No unfortunately, i'm right, i test it right now, with 1.1a, ATRAC files are not decoded, GYM can't play and can't save ATRAC files an empty directory is created !
  5. Gym works only with MP3, not with ATRAC. I think it's your problem.
  6. Perhaps alphabetic order issue, if xispe consider that element (0) of artists list always means ALL ARTISTS, here 0 is '!K7 Dj' -> give : ALL ARTISTS, element 1 (all artists) means artist '(all artists)' -> give nothing. Same problem with !"#$%&'
  7. Hello xispe I'm at work, now i can start working on GYM 1.1a - Number of tracks : on 1.0 it says 5328 thats right, with 1.1a : 6006 wrong, the last oma is #1775 : 6005 in decimal; if you add 1 to the last oma, it's wrong cause i have deleted albums and it seems that holes are still free... (jump 0136 to 01EE, i have deleted all beatles albums (majesty crime)) - The volume slide, strange, at work it's linked to the wave level on the general volume control, but not at home, perhaps sound drivers issues. - The preload is great, on live albums the pause between tracks is <1 sec, but files aren't deleted on the tmp directory. - The playing title is not focused, i must click on the title in the window player (not important) DESIDERATA (only suggestions bla bla bla...) : - Disable << and >> buttons while GYM is decoding mp3, buffering clicks on buttons cause strange reactions... - Possibility to sort genres/artists/albums. - A mark on the column header to indicate the sort order (asc/desc) - More columns : #track number/time/bitrate etc... - Saving tracks, great. I get tags from file name with tag&rename (%1- %4 %3\%6. %d - %2), but generated ID3V2 were previously fine. But no ID3V1. (small point) - context menu with the right clik. - Playing in winamp, why not, but not indispensable. If you must extract all tracks before playing in winamp that will be very slow... Very good software, it will be never deleted from my HD5 NB: please never integrate skins or others shi... GYM is efficient and useful. Thanks again
  8. Yes my tracks are back, i'll make a big test at work Bye
  9. Works fine, but i try and tracks are not deleted during a session, (shuffle tracks on all tracks). The volume control, is strange, the first time you click on the level slide, the Wave volume in the general volume control is set to the middle, with headsets it's If you work with the wave volume control can't you read the inital volume level ? Bye
  10. YES a new version is Coming (after the Beaujolais). First impression : it looks nicer ! A volume control, a pause, an icon, a single file save button, focus on the playing track... Nice the click on icons in the player window happiness happiness A bug, it seems that there's a problem when decoding the MP3 infos, 1 car shift, i've got : Apples OrangeT - mashing Pumkins (The)T - 998 AdoreT - ockT But only on 6 tracks (on 5000), strange, perhaps a code page problem. I'm looking at my tags. (But it was ok with the 1.0) And of course impossible to play these tracks. YES find it, it's when there's a character '+' in the tags ! Apples + Oranges Question: when are the mp3 in the tmp directory deleted ? When gym is closed ? What happens if you play a lot of tracks ? disk overflow ? Thanks again Xispe Bye
  11. Great GYM deserve its own website, and you, encouragements... If you need help for translate GYM in French, testing, etc... Bye Xispe
  12. Hello Xispe After 3 days of intensives tests, i really love GYM !!! Now when i'm at work i listen my music with GYM, the browser is great (no more little lcd display) and the shuffle is easy, without stupid playlists. And now some suggestions (only suggestions) - Shuffle mode : it will be nice to sort the track list with the shuffle order and play all sequentially. - Player : a pause, volume control or simply to launch winamp, but i like the idea of the internal player (autonomous use) - Browser : The track# (need to be calculate, i think), ATRAC/MP3, bitrate, size... - Put the focus on the playing track in the browser. - Perhaps it's possible to preload the next track to avoid silences. - Saving atrac files on the pc, just a simple copy but with the good file name, after they could be convert with HIMDrender. - Recreating tags for mp3 with the filename (actually i do it with tag&rename) - An icon for GYM.exe It's only feedback, there's no orders in my suggestions, you can do what you want with these ideas. Thanks a lot (again) for your work.
  13. 'G'rab 'Y'our 'M'usic find it, now i can sleep !
  14. What does it means GYM ? Is it for gymnastic ? Do you want everyboby Healthy ? With GYM my mind is going better, it's the first step
  15. Thanks god If it wasn't you create the fastest encoder on the world I tried GYM on usb 1 on my work, init is longer 3mn with my HD5 30Go. 10 s on USB2. I cant imagine creating the keys on usb1
  16. Thanks xispe Thanks to you, i have 195 atrac albums on my 500 to delete on my HD5 and to reimport in mp3 ! But now my HD5 is completly autonomous. No more SS and free import/reimport. too much happiness !!!
  17. Since i try, i havn't any hang up ! Just problems during mp3 playback, the extracting phase before playing is sometimes a little bit too long for the player, (it's my feeling) the connection seems to be lost, go to next track or say please generate keys...
  18. Fantastic, works terrific. 3 hours on the soft and perfect. Sometimes strange reactions during mp3 playback, no sound and time pass very quickly... The shuffle is strange too (with next) But insignifiant details regarding the work I understand but it will be so cool
  19. Thanks xispe, Now i try i can read everything cool and save mega cool ! But what do you have to do if you delete, and reimport an album yhe keys are alway ok ? Just this with the back button ************** Texte de l'exception ************** System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet. at Lister.Classes.PlayQueue.Previous() at Lister.MainForm.pb_Play_Pause_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) If you need more, send me a pm
  20. If i havn't 10000 oma, i must restart the process ? My OMGAUDIO backup will be preserve ? Thanks xispe No that's ok the first folder was 4 and after creating the 40 it create the 1 2 and 3.
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