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About rtn

  • Birthday 07/16/1979

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    Current:NW-E016F / NW-A1000 / SRS NWM10 speakers.

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  1. It seems ATRACLIFE is dead I loved it...now i have to read about Sony in Sony-haters site: engadget
  2. I was looking at Sony.es page (for Spain), and i found some "Made for iPod" stuff. http://www.sony.es/ShowArticle.do?article=1177680436254 Interesting move by Sony, dont you think? I guess those things wont be cheap
  3. Wow...... we have the 2 extremes here Erol, why don`t you just give them advice to work, and keep them happy with theirs walkmans.
  4. I dont understand why they wanted to install Sonicstage in a corporate PC. Are you allowing them to lose time organizing music, instead of working? Do you, as an administrator, leave them have 4, 6, or 8 or more GB of music in the corporate PC`s? Hey, play with your music, but DONT touch anything else on your PC!!!! At work, i work. At home, i do wathever i want on my pc. Do you like your Sony? Why do you give them advice on returning their Sony's!? Or just ask Sony to release the corporate walkman, for business use.
  5. Beast of Burden, by The Rolling Stones ?
  6. Nothing to say, i hope Sony makes the right decision.... http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/17/sony-pu...on-playstation/
  7. The re-re-re-re-launch of Walkmans! I think i`ve seen this movie 2 or 3 times. Hey Sony, read this and think: -Say bye to Sonicstage (again, don`t forget the great failure of the fabulous "Connect" software) -Add bluetooth for easy sharing -Add capacity, of course -Sony, you sell PS3`s, bravias, audio systems, why dont you integrate this systems with easy connection between them...? -Sell you stuff at massive stores, like Best Buy`s. You have to search like an idiot to find a Sony in the U.S. -Let selected third party makers to do some accesory. We will keep waiting for you, but i`m getting a bit tired of false expectations Anyway, i think i`ll ever buy Sony, but most of the people dont think like me.
  8. that sucks.... I`m sorry but i have no ideas to help you. Keep informed us
  9. rtn

    This Vs That

    audio sony ericsson vs motorola
  10. I have the USA version, updated with the USA version of SP CP 4.2, it worked perfectly. You dont have to reformat. I have an NW-A1000
  11. I´m sure you won´t get enough battery life. In my birthday, with the NW-A1000, listening to Atrac3 64kbps, the battery died at 3AM, starting to use it at 9.30PM aprox. Oh, the display was always on, people like to play with my walkman Get you charger.....!!!
  12. rtn

    S2 Sports MP3 Player

    http://www.appliancemagazine.com/news.php?article=10707 Sony delays Japan Launch of New Walkman Sep 12, 2006 Sony Corp said it will postpone the Japan launch of its new digital Walkman by 1 week over delays caused by a part malfunction. According to an AP report, the portable digital music player NW-S203F, which was slated to hit Japanese stores this Friday, will instead go on sale on Sept. 23, according to Sony official Takashi Uehara. The delay was due to the malfunction of a part used in the Walkmans, Uehara said, but refused to specify the part, the nature of the malfunction, or the number of units affected. The move came after Sony said last week it would push back the European launch of its PlayStation 3 video game console by four months due to production delays.
  13. rtn

    This Vs That

    ROCK !!!!!! BMW vs Mercedes (Come on Sony, we are waiting for you....!!!)
  14. rtn

    This Vs That

    Star Trek original iPod vs Zune
  15. I had this problem a few times. I dont know why it happens, i just turn it on again........
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