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    HI-MD MZ-NH700

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  1. Or think to go IPOD VIDEO, works great, and gapless I really don´t think Sony will give an Video Walkman, seems they quit the fight for HDD. I like Atrac, but when Ipod give gapless playback I bought one. It´s true that it´s not the best watch a movie in a little screen, but in a trip or in a long wait you can use it and works fine. Hope Sony gives something soon, but I get bore of waiting and Ipod gives me what I need.
  2. Going to say the same. Sorry, but I think Sony will lose one costumer (I don´t think they care to much but...), if Ipod now it´s Gapless I don´t think there´s a reason why not changing to the white unit (or black). Gapless play back seems for me the only thing that keeps me with Atrac, and if you can have 80gb you can record all in 192or higher and will sound like atrac. Sorry Sony, I love my Minidisc, I think I will keep it, I wait for a good HD from Sony, but now the future seems to be IPOD.
  3. Is there any rumor of a new NW-anything??? I like Atrac because sounds great and the gapless, but IPOD keeps given better device than Sony and now will come ZUNE from Microsoft, wich I think may be gapless if Windows Media Player can play WMA gapless why the device can´t (this is what I think, nothing confirm yet). If someone knows anything please tell it.
  4. Hello, How can I use the AtracPluggin for the Winamp? I Have Winamp 5.24 and installed the pluggin in the "Pluggin" folder, copy files (*.oma) to play but nothing happens. Winamp finds the *.oma files, but doesn´t play it. Had someone use this pluggin???
  5. First of all, as I always say, the sound depends on the ears of the one who use the device. I recomend, if space is not a limitation to do this: If you have to rip a CD use Atrac 352 or 256, for me sounds almoste the same and very close to CD quality. Atrac is gapless so if you want to rip a CD (Pink Floyd for example) the best is to have ir gapless. If you have MP3 and your device can use it don´t re-rip again in Atrac, the probably will lost quality. One question, the Atrac Lossles you play it in your unit or in Sonic Stage??, because the lossless function only works in Sonic Stage. The idea for this is to have in Lossles in our PC and tranfer in the rate (for example 352) to the device, but you always use a loss format in the unit, until now. No Sony device plays Atrac Lossless format. If I am wrong with this please tell me. In my experience (with MD) I use Atrac 132 (for my ears sounds like MP3 192) and is fine for me, but because of the space the HI-MD unit has. Hope this helps.
  6. 60GB at least (bigger will be good) Simple Burner compatible (The MD program that transfer direct from the CD to the unit) Album Shuffle (play the entire album and then shuffle to another ramdomly) Wheel like the Ipod or a menu that you can move easy IF plays Video that have chapters (IPOD VIDEO can´t do that for what i heard)
  7. Here in Chile (South America) happens the same thing. All NW-HDx (The HD5 was the last one) disappeard from all the stores and now appears the RH-1 (Minidisc) and the NW-A1200 (US$300 aprox) I can´t see how they will fight the IPOD Video with units of 8GB and at that price. The IPOD Nano (4GB) it´s expensive here too compared with IPOD Video. I hope a new model appears soon that can compete the IPOD Video and be release in here or at least in USA.
  8. Thanks Stuge. One year....I think many will move to Ipod in that time, but what else can we do.
  9. I can´t understand why there is no unit that really compete with the new IPODS, 60GB with video is an excelent unit and almost the same price that the NW-A3000 (here in Chile the NW-HD5 is almost the same price that the IPOD VIDEO 30gb). Is there any news (or rumor at least) of a new unit? or may be Sony will leave the Atrac format and doesn´t give nothing new. I think the video it´s a good thing, but I think many can live without it, but I hope, if there will be a new unit, that have a big Hard Disk, and how if it can play Atrac Lossless, that I think it´s gapless (gapless playback the only real thing that keeps me stay in Atrac format and don´t fall in MP3). Does any one think like me?
  10. Thank you all for your help I am thinking in get one NW-HD5, because of the price, may be a second hand. But if there something coming that looks like the Ipod Video may be I will wait for it. Hope if this happend, the remote RM.MC40ELK can work with it. once again thanks.
  11. Does the MC40ELK works in the NW-HD5? all the functions or not? Wich one you prefere the HD5 or the HD3???
  12. I am waiting for someting like Ipod Video 60gb, but with Atrac, but everyday I am more sure the format is going to an end. I think Sony will give HDD equipments in the near future that will only play MP3 or WMA or similar. Sony Ericcson use MP3, not Atrac, now Sony give new flash equipment that use MP3 and WMA, what do you think this is? Forgive me, but I am losing my faith!!!! Sony, try to return this lamb to the correct road of the ATRAC!!!
  13. Yes that´s the main reason. I know there is a profecy "You never will have enough space in your Hard Disk!!!", but it´s boring to want to listen some group that is not in your disk and have to change it, or worst you don´t bring it with you. The other thing is the Video, it looks a very good feature to have specialy when you are in a trip. I hope Sony will give soon a new unit that can compete with IPOD Video, main reason gapless, second, I have a big library of Atrac files (over 20gb) in my SS 3.4, so i really hate to think i have to transform all again to MP3, I have the originals in CD, but you can think how long it will be to do it.
  14. I really want something like IPOD video, 30 and 60gb models, but with atrac instead of MP3 I never see the NW-Ax000 models in any store here in Chile, but I realy like the NW-HD3 or NW-HD5 instead of the pictures of the NW-Ax000. For me I wish the new model (if there is any one in the next future): 1) 30 or 60 Gb (if bigger better) 2) Plays Atrac and work with Sonic Stage or a program that works, not like Connect for what I read. 3) Video could be a good thing, that you can connect to a TV, because all new HD has it and I have many music videos I like 4) A Price that can compete with the others HD or Ipod, I can´t undesrtand that here the NW-HD5 cost more than Ipod 30gb. To much dreaming???
  15. I have 2 reasons for not going to Ipod right now: 1) Money 2) Gapless Play back Reason 2 always was, as a music fan, the main reason, but now with 60gb video etc., when I can have the Money (reason 1) I think I wil go for it. Unless Sony give something similar that use ATRAC.
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