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  1. 70 views and not one reply...haver a said something wrong ???
  2. and further to my above post ...do i really need SS? Is it worthwhile ....what else will it give me over CP ?? etc thanks again
  3. HI All Haven't been on the forum for a long long time - glad to see its still going strong ! Basically - the music on my NWA 3000 has been on it for about 2 years I reckon. I have all my CD music on a separate harddrive - and the pc i used to have with CP on it has become obslete.. So now I am ready to add more music to my player. BUt I see there has been firmware upgrades, CP updates and now we can use SS too.!! So what should I do ?? which order should I do it ?? MOst recent CP first - then firmware - then SS migration tool - then SS ?? Bearing in mind I do not have any NWA3000 related software on my PC whatsoever at the present time. Many thanks for looking / helping Jof
  4. CHeers all DarrenM - my mate is DarrenM, which is why I ask ! I am off to Oz in August for 6 months - couldn't put me on to a camper van for sale could you !!! ok - slightly off the point . sorry forum members
  5. same question as DarrenM (u r not from swansea are you??) any advice?
  6. Title is hopefully self explanatory. I have search for this topic but could not find... I have manually updated tracks in LIBRARY view (ie GENRE - where the incorrect genre was changed to one i wanted) - but when i connect my A3000, it does not update the track information on the unit - the result is i still have tracks housed under the wrong genre on the unit. This can be very frustrating when trying to locate tracks.. The same issue with re-naming artists so that they are uniformly stored (eg WU-Tang Clan, as opposed to Wu tang clan - unit obviously sees this as a different artist) Any advice to do this easily (ie without removing tracks from unit and then re-transferring them back - a very long winded approach considering) Thanx
  7. Hi I have searched all forums for advice - but does not seem to be listed so sorry if I have missed it. I want to transfer EVERYTHING on my NWA3000 to a 'clean' (ie no CONNECT PLAYER / SS) pc. Is there anything I should be concerned about? Can I merely 'plug n play' the device - ie navigate to the device through windows explorer? Will i need to install driver files first? I am a little wary about doing this without advice as I have (like others) experienced too much frustration with the software to date (the unit itself is awesome !!!) to be confident I wont experience problems. All advice very much appreciated
  8. jof

    Gracenote CDDB ERROR

    hi Using connect - don't want to use ss3.4 because as far as i cans ee, i will run into problems at some point...so can anyone help id why I am unable to use the gracenote service (usual errors, already listed above). If this is a connect player thing - I will just wait for the next update (as if that will cure the problem!) If it is something I can do locally - that would help my nerves ! Jofski
  9. jof

    NW-A3000 Background hiss

    def not a problem on mine mate - get it replaced
  10. jof

    NW A3000 Sync issues

    i can only assume all those postcards have gone straight to sony HQ - who are currently beavering away at giving us a comprehensive, integrated piece of software that offers all the funtionality one would expect and need for maximising the utilisation of quite an expensive piece of kit in a highly competitive market... know what i mean guv ??
  11. unbelievable i was just about to take your previous advice reSS3.4 and now this !!! AAAAArrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! WHY IS IT SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. same happened to me. I upgraded CP, re-transferred the ones that wouldnt go to player maually...and soon I had played 100 and the function become operable again. see my other post - re: Manual v full sync issues
  13. not sure about HD, but got one for my A3000 and it is awesom - love the look, and protection. Only problem is the CUT OUT for the charger input on the play is TOO SMALL - so I had to doctor it myself. Might not be an issue with HD tho... it is also non-slip so sits on the dash in the car very safely.
  14. jof

    NW A3000 Sync issues

    Why is it that 1.on full sync, a lot of songs in my CP library do not transfer across, but after I painstakingly match the library in my NW to the CP library a track at a time (900 songs currently - imagine 10,000!!) to identify the songs missing, I can transfer them across manually without any problem? 2.why is it that some songs in my CP library will not transfer (message - "0-skipping track) but will play when i double click them in CP ? 3.why can't I see a list of previously deleted songs from NW so that I can review them and select the ones I want to put back on the NW (if full sync worked that is)..again, with a large library this would be mission impossible to identify manually, as i have done above. Whilst the updated CP does at least allow for more stable operation - it is still such an unbelievable knightmare to use that i get more and more frustrated each and every time....COME ON SONY - GET IT SORTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! answers on a post card to Sony.JAP (pls Cc to me)
  15. v good question - look forward to the answer...anyone??
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